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on 12/10/07 11:02 pm
Topic: RE: my mother

Hi there, I am not a teen--far from it.  My grandson is 14 and weighs what you do.  I had my gastric bypass last April.  I have lost 92 pounds so far.  I have another 36 to go.   Honey, your Mom will need your support.  Because of the surgery, she will have some emotional issues.  She will mourn the loss of the food for a while.  So don't eat junk in front of her.  It will help both of you to eat protein first, then veggies.  You might find that if you pattern your eating after what she can eat, that you will begin to lose some of your excess weight as well--even without surgery.   Exercising together and shopping together as she gets skinny will be fun too. Mom might get the blues once in a while.  Tell her to post on this board (main forum) and she will get lots of support.  She can get nutrition information here too on the food and nutrition forum.   As for you:  I know you will worry about the surgery but when it is over and she begins to feel better, you will be so happy for her.  Even if she has a hard time (I did), there will be many small successes and accomplishments to celebrate with her.  Just keep reminding her of how great she is doing.   My adult daughters and my husband had to assist me in the bathroom (wiping my behind--ugh).  But I am so grateful they were willing to do it.  They held my hair back if I got sick and needed to throw up.  They washed my hair for me when I felt weak--yes they got into the shower with me and washed my hair for me.  You can do this too--it will really help you bond with your mother.   Do the little things: housework, putting dishes away in upper cabinets when Mom' stomach is still healing, taking out the trash, doing the laundry.  Learn to cook the dinners so the smell of food cooking doesn't irritate Mom.  Her appetite may be a little "off" and smells can bother her.  Be as much help as you can be--you both will be the better for it. Lots of love to both of you!


This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
on 12/10/07 4:27 pm - Manahawkin, NJ
Topic: RE: 18 y.o. daughter

my mom brought me to my surgeon when i was 18...i'm 20 now and i just got RNY in september.  i weighed 100lbs heavier than ur daughter but as my mom and i said...we do not know what lays ahead of me now...but of i didnt get surgery, i know exactly where i would be--in bed not being able to move...what kind of life is that? think of the long term for your daughter. this will be good for her, just support her!

MY WLS RECIPE BLOG!  -- Check it out

Lilypie - (vbmr)    Lilypie - (fb9N)
Changed for good
                            ...september 17, 2007...
on 12/9/07 9:16 am - TN
Topic: my mother

Well im 15 years old and i weigh around 240lbs! well my mom is heavier than i am! she is leaving the 16 of december to have the vertical sleeve done! im so proud of her! and i want to excersice with her and everything because there is no way my dad would ever agree to let me get that wls done! but i jus wanted to kno if anyone had any advise because im starting to get worried and scared for her!!! please help

on 12/7/07 12:11 pm - Bogota, NJ
Topic: RE: IM NEW
Hi Karina, My name is Leann and im 18. I had bariatric surgery when i was 17. My mom had it 2 years before that so i knew a lot about it. The first thing i would do to go a bout having the surgery is do your research. There are many different types of bariatric surgery and they are all different. And like any other surgery...there are risks. After you do your research, and make sure you do plenty of it, Find out if any of the hospitals near you have a bariatric center. Make n appointment for a conciltation. Thats the first part, meet the doctors and find out about the surgeries they perform and if you are elegable....some doctors dont like to perform on teens, but it is becomming more and more popular. if you are elegable, make sure its something you really want to do. Its a big change and its not only physical but mental and emotional too. There are a lot of tests you have to go through before the surgery and it takes a lot out of you. Find out about insurance coverage. They may cover the surgery if you are at risk for health issues. The surgery is very expensive and risks include revision and other surgeries in the future. well...thats about it...but if you have any more questions you are welcome to e-mail me at [email protected]... Good Luck ~Leann
on 12/5/07 3:06 am - veradale, WA
Topic: RE: My 9yo is almost 100lbs overweight

My son would eat whatever was in the house - so we shop daily now.  I knew we had to switch when I found he was eating noodles and butter after school...

Now that there is no food in the house he does not over eat.  It has been good for me too.  I stop on my way home every night and purchase a half dozen eggs and 2 bagels and 4 slices of cheddar cheese for the next mornings breakfast or maybe a container of yogurt and some bananas.  I also purchase whatever is for dinner that night...  usually chicken breast and a vegetable.  There are no leftovers, there is no extra food in the house.  It is helping us all become thinner. I know full well that kids who have a compulsion to eat will do it if they can.  I certinally did and I see my son did it too. Now he knows how to read labels and make good choices at the store and he is forced to do something besides eat when he is bored after school. Good luck

What I've eaten is here for the world to see
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08

on 12/5/07 2:54 am - veradale, WA
Topic: RE: My 9-year old son
Hi - you said that your son was your cook - artist..  I have a plan for you!!! Every Wednesday evening go to the grocery store produce section and let your son pick one NEW item of fruit or veg.   Then - Let him spend Thursday and Friday evening researching the item.  What great nutrients does it provide?  Where does it grow naturally?  What cultures eat it?  What recipies are made with it?  Does it taste good raw?  Cooked? He can then choose a recipie that meets pre-set guidelines for maximum calories, fat etc. He should make a picture with information about the new food to share his research with the entire family on Saturday evening at dinner when he serves his recipie and shares the dish with the family. At 9 there is plenty of opportunity to outgrow being overweight.  My son was quite overweight at that age and is now an almost normal weight 13 year old. My son has learned to be a label reader and while he does not always make healthy choices he makes the less evil choices very often... for instance the other day he wanted a can of chef boyardee something.  He stood in the isle and read labels and chose the item with the lowest calories and fat per can instead of just grabbing the raviolies...  he got what he wanted at half the caloric price. If your son really loves art and cooking foster that and help him learn about wonderful healthy foods and get him to teach the family about them as the resident expert chef! Good Luck!
What I've eaten is here for the world to see
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08

on 12/4/07 8:42 pm - Shingle Springs, CA
Topic: RE: Mixed Emotions
Well, I am a Mom of a 14 year old obese daughter and like yourself, I too have had WLS.  I too do know the pain and suffering our children are enduring, I remember it so well. My daughter is even more obese than I was at her age. It is effecting not only her present life, but her future. She hates herself, feels ugly, and is trying to hide from the world. It is killing me inside to see her like this, and part of the reason it pains me so, is because I do remember. You and I both know, that the old fashioned way of doing things, doesn't work for most of us who suffer obesity. Even those that manage to lose their weight, usually gain it back. That does not mean that I agree that WLS should be the answer, especially for our children. Yes it has saved my life and for that I am thankful, but no it is a horrible way to go. It may seem like the only way once you have gotten to the point of no return, but it is hard for me to believe that at the age of 13 and 14, or even a teen at all, that you have hit that point of no return. I had surgery because I was in my mid 40's and my obesity took me to all of the major illnesses, and I could barely walk. Do I want my daughter to live her life in obesity and wait until she gets to that point in her life, wasting it in obesity when there is an option for a better life? No, I want her to live now, in a healthy happy life. So how can we help our children and prevent WLS? You and I and everyone else here, we do know how to eat healthier, we do know it is about calorie intake, fitness, we all know what we should do, but choose not to. The reasons are many, lifestyle, emotional eating, addictions, genetics, metabolism, etc. Each reason is as individual as we each are. However, what ever the reason, it is up to each one of us to learn how to take those necessary steps, one step at a time and learn how to take control of our lives and our situations. WLS is a very serious risk. That risk does not end once your immediate surgery is over. I have known people that have developed serious health problems after many years into their successful WLS. It is not the answer to healthy weight loss! So what do we do? I believe our children, and even those that are adults, need to form peer groups like this one. We need to create a new method of weight loss, not old fashioned concepts that do not work, but a new concept and way of thinking. Yes, diet & fitness must play a role, however, we all know that all of the education about food and fitness, is not going to get us in shape. My daughter needs a peer group, kids like herself that are suffering the same issues in life. Kids that she can become competitive with, striving for goals together. I do believe that by learning a  new method, through a series of attainable steps, supporting personal growth, behavior modifications, goal setting, one can be guided to discover a healthier balanced life. But nothing like that was ever offered for us, and nothing like that is being offered for our children. How can we stick to our goals, when we have not even been taught how to set them? My goals, to start and begin a Teen Weight Loss Support Group in my home town, for my daughter, for me, for their parents, the need is there. I after WLS also became a Certified Christian Life Coach, knowing I had a designed purpose in my life, to help those suffering with obesity. My daughter often roles her eyes when I am on my Coaching soap box, but she knows I am right, and I also become way cool when it is one of her friends that get excited about what I share. I need a forum for my daughter when I can be something besides the MOM! Who wants to listen to MOM? I have recently started a free Weight Loss Coaching Group in I have two clients, both adults and one child pending. The reason she is pending is because I thought perhaps it better if she were with other kids her own age. However, I think I will open this group up and allow all ages until I can get it going, perhaps those that are young can be inspired a little bit by those of us not so young and visa versa. If you are interested in finding out more, maybe together we can live a greater purpose in our lives, sharing and helping these kids, learn a new way to live.  You can find me by clicking on this link. Many Prayers and Blessings, Joie
on 12/4/07 6:08 am - La Conner, WA
Topic: RE: My 9-year old son
Pricey is right. Three weeks for $3200. To lose 30 pounds. To end up having wls as an adult. Sorry. That makes me angry.  After all, you suggested something that didn't work for you.
on 12/3/07 2:52 am - Patriots Nation, MA
Cari H.
on 12/3/07 2:19 am - greenville, SC
Topic: RE: Surgeons In South Carolina
Try finding a lapband dr instead.  it is a lot less risky and adjustable ( good for those who are still growing)  any q's message me.  Also look towards mexico I went this route

DISCLAIMER:  DYSLEXIA = ALL CAPS TELL ME AGAIN I HAVE A LAUGH OR CRAP BAND BUT I HAVE STILL LOST JUST AS MUCH AS YOU, SO KISS MY CHOKE CHAIN!!!!!!!Banded march 07 Bonified BANDit for life Start 286-Now 173-Goal 150                            Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

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