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Topic: RE: Worried about daughters future
I to have the same problem except my daughter is 17 and pushing 250 and all she wants to do is eat junk food and drink soda pop. I myself just had the RNY done in nov of 2007 and we have changed alot of eating habits around here but because she works she feels she can still bye the soda and drink it like 4 to 5 cans a night sometimes when we go get her dad from work she will buy a 20oz cherry coke. I tell her she needs to cut those out she is gonna be the next to have surgery she sees what i have gone through with my weight problem. I have even takin her with me to the surgeon with me before i had surgery and her even told her she needs to cut back or she will be next to have the RNY. She eats when she gets upset at school when something goes wrong she eats because of emotions. any suggestions would help.
Topic: RE: denied because of age almost 16
Hi Moddy not yet because of the holidays and an office mis up it is taking a bit longer, I will .et you know
Topic: RE: denied because of age almost 16
Have You heard anything yet....(your last posting is kinda from a little while ago so i was just wondering if by now if you have heard anything.)
Topic: RE: Worried about daughters future
Hi Holly..remember me? we talked before..
anyway... i agree with the others...let her go hungry. She defintely wont starve. She will eat when she gets hungry.
I dont have all the answers...Im actually here looking for some myself.
My daughter is 9yrs old and is hefty. I know I have been an awful example...our whole family needs to lose weight. I know that the older she gets, the harder it will be for her.
Im having surgery in March, so things will change around here then. My husband will be dieting right along with me.. I will be buying much different food. It will be a hard adjustment for all of us.
My daughter is the same way....I keep telling her shes going to turn into a chicken nugget. Its just so hard trying to get her to eat the right things. She doesnt like many veggies or fruit.
Im hoping after i get my surgery...and our "diets" get lined out some...things will fall into place. It will be so hard...but we all have to do this in my household.
good luck
Topic: RE: What have I done to my child? - Looking or YOUR perspective
I am 48 now and had surgery a little over a year ago...I was always the fattest kid in school and back then there was only one or two FAT kids in the school, so I was one of them...I was teased every day of my life...even when I tried to do heavy things and diet and exercise I was teased for the way I looked trying to do those things.... My mom tried to help but I resented her for it and don't think anything would have changed that feeling... I felt so hopeless even at that age...I WANTED to be normal but the eating was out of control, even now after surgery I am still that fat little girl wanting more food...I am addicted to it...Once I take that first bite, look out I can't stop.. I do have a better control over it now that I see a difference in my weight...But dieting and eating right as a child and as an adult before surgery the pain and deprivation was not worth it...Take the food away and a pound here and there was not enough...Food was my best friend...I assume inside your daughter feels that comfort from food and the guilt afterward... I don't know what my mom could have done to make it any different...You are going to have to face her resentment and even hate of you on some days when you try to help her and just keep going, knowing that it will be a lot easier for her now than after a lifetime of being fat and having bad habits....I often thought to myself when I was an adult that it was my mom's fault for not doing more when I was younger...But I am not sure what more she could have done...The more she talked about me being fat the more I wanted to eat....You daughter may need someone other than family to be ger friend and get her through this... A kindred spirt, someone she doesn't have to feel ashamed with when she talks about what people say to her and someone she can vent about home things without them telling you....Someone to listen that has been through the struggle... Not sure where you would find that person...Maybe a fat camp. I used to wish my mom would send me to one (not that I would have ever said that outloud) Just to be away and do it on my own with strangers.... I don't know if this helps at all but it has been very helpful to me...exercised a few of my demons....LOL....Hope you can find something useful in the ramblings! Good luck.
Time, is the moment that lasted forever, and the day that disappeared............">">>

Topic: RE: minus
the link you posted says that the picture violated they're terms of service. Oh well.
Topic: RE: I am a 19yo with a surgery date!
Yes you sure can. Some people don't even need to have saline removed when pregnant, but you sure can. All you need to do is ask for an unfill due to pregnancy. One of the reasons I picked the band.

Topic: RE: What have I done to my child? - Looking or YOUR perspective
I am a mom of an over weight son. He is 14, 5'6 and weighs 235 pounds but was at 241 lbs. I try so hard to make him eat healthy. He has battled his weight a long time. He was a big baby, and cute chubby little boy and now he is a very overweight teenager. It is especially hard with a teenager to monitor everything they put in their mouths. He is very popular so he is at friends houses a lot and how do I monitor him there? He has played baseball and football since he was 4 and 5 yrs. old. He recently joined wrestling and has dropped some weight from that (God Bless his coach, he works him hard). When he used to have to lose weight to make his football weight (there was a limit of 138lbs), he could and would diet and lose the weight (we went trough this every season for 6 years). Now there is no weight limit. It is very hard to make him make good food choices and it doesn't help that I work many different hours so he is left to fend for himself. Convenient foods are the worst for overweight people yet the best solution for a 14 yr old boy who has no desire to cook for himself. He would rather eat a sandwich for dinner than cook any real food. I feel as if I am to blame for many of his weight issues too as I usually give in to his requests since I feel so bad about not being htere enough for him. He also has a lot of emotional issues resulting from his biological father being pretty much non existant in his life and I never forced him to go to counseling to deal with that. He is very popular as I said but I have heard his "friends" say mean things to him about his size. If you can stop your daughter from suffering the pain of this problem,do it now. It may be too late one day and then you really feel lost as to what to do. Good luck and if she hates you for a little while she will love you in the long run.