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on 2/6/08 3:06 am - Belgium
The only people you need in your life are the ones that prove they need you in theirs.
hi im 18 and im going to be having a vsg on feb 12 i would also like to share my experince with other people around my age im just glad i found this website
Hey Guys. I had GBS (lap/rny) on November 4th, 2003. I successfully lost 105 lbs and have kept it off. I'm now a healthy 140 lbs and extremely happy. My question and concern is now for my 14yr old son. I realize that he is young but I see him struggling just as I did at his age and facing the same stress and conflict that I did as well. Every parent wants to save their children the pain and suffereng that they endured - that being said, I've taken him to a nutritionist, he's had a private gym coach and he has done numberous things to help to lost the extra 80lbs that he's carrying around but to no avail. He is unhappy with his weight and ashamed of himself. This, of course, breaks my heart. Conor is outwardly strong and has friends but he's crying inside and on his mom's shoulder as well. I was wondering if Lap banding would be a good, less invasive option for him and if any of you know if there are any doctors that would consider banding on someone in his age range. I think that GBS is much too invasive and permanent for someone so young but I would love to get any information that any of you have that might start me in the right direction to gaining him the health and self esteem that he so very much deserves. Any info from you guys would be so appreciated.

on 2/3/08 3:13 am - Belgium
anyone interested in sharing their journey with me is more than welcome to keep in contact with me..because i mean isnt that what this website is for

best of wishes
The only people you need in your life are the ones that prove they need you in theirs.