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Topic: RE: Which is the healthier toddler carbohydrate snack?
Wow! Good answer, Dr. Tom! I'm highly impressed! Mom should definitely take your advice on this one. I am having moms I'm helping with overweight kids clean out their cupboards of all the traditional snacky foods. I've even taught a couple of teens to trade potato chips for organic baby spinach! Leaf by leaf, it "eats" just like a bag of nasty chips! I think I'll sleep better tonight having read your answer to that question. Goodness. Wow.
Topic: RE: Help for a 12 year old boy
I would advise against medications, especially as young as he is. If he were older, yes, medication could be an alternative. Alli is a complex medication and if he messes up on the diet, he could have big problems. Does he have any comorbidities (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, etc.)?
The local YMCA should have options for low income households that would be able to help him get more exercise. Talking to a nutritionist or a pediatrician is also important especially when it comes to his diet. There are also exercise options for not only him but also his family that would include him.
I also would advise against surgery because of his age. In fact, I doubt an MD would take him as a patient. I would stress guidance in exercise and nutrition to help him. Getting him and his family to adopt a healthy lifestyle will benefit him for the rest of his life.
The local YMCA should have options for low income households that would be able to help him get more exercise. Talking to a nutritionist or a pediatrician is also important especially when it comes to his diet. There are also exercise options for not only him but also his family that would include him.
I also would advise against surgery because of his age. In fact, I doubt an MD would take him as a patient. I would stress guidance in exercise and nutrition to help him. Getting him and his family to adopt a healthy lifestyle will benefit him for the rest of his life.
Topic: RE: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
The main and most important thing to change is your definition of the word, diet. Diet is NOT something you do, it's what you eat on a daily basis. If you're like most of America, your diet is loaded with carbohydrates and fats. As you've seen, "diets" don't work, but changing your lifestyle for a more active one will benefit your health for your entire life. No surgery needed!
Incorporating daily exercise is the first order of business. At the same time, changing your diet for a more healthy diet is the next key. One word of caution though...don't become obsessed with everything that you put in your mouth. Relax and eat food. Food as in fruits, veggies, and lean cuts of meat. Don't eat fried ANYTHING, eat grilled.
It's not really that difficult, no matter what you read or are led to believe. Realizing that losing weight and becoming healthy are not ends. Being healthy requires a wholesale life change and requires a lifetime of commitment. It's not something you do for 6 months, or a year, or even two years. It's a lifelong pursuit and one that will help you reap benefits the rest of your life.
Incorporating daily exercise is the first order of business. At the same time, changing your diet for a more healthy diet is the next key. One word of caution though...don't become obsessed with everything that you put in your mouth. Relax and eat food. Food as in fruits, veggies, and lean cuts of meat. Don't eat fried ANYTHING, eat grilled.
It's not really that difficult, no matter what you read or are led to believe. Realizing that losing weight and becoming healthy are not ends. Being healthy requires a wholesale life change and requires a lifetime of commitment. It's not something you do for 6 months, or a year, or even two years. It's a lifelong pursuit and one that will help you reap benefits the rest of your life.
Topic: RE: 2 year old diet?
I would think if she's breaking out around the mouth when she drinks milk, she's allergic to it. You are at a good time in her life though because she won't remember anything 10 years down the road but eating healthy.
I don't think that an artificial sweetener is good for any child or adult. With her allergies, I think you do need to consult a pediatric nutritionist if possible. If not, talk to her MD and see if soy milk is an option for her. Here's a link to a website that gives excellent advice as to what and how to feed her (
Exercise should not be overlooked, especially at this young an age. Here are two websites that offer good information: (a); and (b)
Hope this helps!
I don't think that an artificial sweetener is good for any child or adult. With her allergies, I think you do need to consult a pediatric nutritionist if possible. If not, talk to her MD and see if soy milk is an option for her. Here's a link to a website that gives excellent advice as to what and how to feed her (
Exercise should not be overlooked, especially at this young an age. Here are two websites that offer good information: (a); and (b)
Hope this helps!
Topic: RE: Help for a 12 year old boy
Hey I'm a 18 yr. old had gastric RNY on 3/27/08. An idea have him try the medication allie i lost 40-50lbs previous to my surgery. And also its helpful to eat things high in protein i've learned when i get my protien in daily my wieght drops. Try South Beach and Actons frozen dinners. Stop all bread and caffenine drinks. I know my surgeon Dr. Mattar he's through Clarian Baratric in Indianapolis, IN he takes Medicaid, also he takes kids low as 16 so far matters about thier matureity level. I'd research for other doctors closer to you, maybe they could help him get some wieght off. I wish you luck.
Nacey Dolley
This is my Doctors' nurses number you can call and i'm sure she'll have some suggestions or even surgeons closer to you.
Topic: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
I'm 17 and will be 18 at the end of the month. I really want Lap Band Surgery and I am so nervous that they are going to say that I am too young and will have to wait. I'm 240 now and think that since my BMI isn't 40 its like 37 that they will also turn me down. I tried to diet and last year i got down to about 211 then I ballooned back up to what I am now. So any words of wisdom will be appreciated!
Topic: Help for a 12 year old boy
I am looking for resources/suggestions for a 12 year old boy in central PA who is 450 lbs. He is from a low income family and so Medicaid is his insurance. I am interested in any and all treatment ideas/options as well as social services/payment options for those treatments. Any help or resources anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Topic: RE: My big day is coming!
congrats! i had rny done july of last year when i was 19 im now 20 and 3 months away from ebing a year out with 20 more lbs to go until my goal.. i lost 110 lbs so far i will say i had a few complications with dehydration and my opening to my stomache was swollen shut so i had an endoscopy to stretch it but since then its been wonderful...i think im having some gall bladder problems as well but thats not uncommon and nothing to worry about really....just remember to always talk to your family about what your feeling through this and go to the support groups i didnt but i really wish i would have... anyway good luck with everything and keep us updated on your progress!
Topic: RE: 2 year old diet?
Hi Ruth-
My son is 30 mos old and he just had his 2 1/2 yr checkup too. He's 46.8 lbs. My pedi said splenda based sweetners are fine... just nothing else sweetner wise. I asked a long time ago (he was 1) if it was ok because all I keep in the house is splenda based stuff for me to snack on. I can't be tempted with that sugary stuff and you know kids... they want whatever you are shoveling in YOUR mouth! LOL
My pedi didn't say too much about the weight. He's 37" tall. He did say that I better watch him because he's leading down the chubby path and I so don't want to do that to him. As of his appt, I cut out all his liquid juices except for once a day at school (he was taking almost 16 oz a day) The pedi said no more than 8 oz of juice a day. He likes water sometimes and I've been making Koolaide with splenda when he asks for juice. I give him chocolate milk (no sugar added syrup) because the pedi wants him to have 24 oz of 1% milk a day and he wont drink it plain- not even in cereal. He said 2 fruit servings and 3 veggies but he usually has 3 and 3. It might be in your best interest to see a pediatric nutritionist now, especially since she has such bad food allergies.
Anyway... the real reason I posted a response was to refer you to the post op parenting board here on OH. I understand they are becoming more active again (I used to go on a lot a while back- now my OH home of choice is the post op pregnancy board) Hope that helps =o)
My boys are 3 reasons why WLS was right for me! I love my post op miracles =o)
Topic: 2 year old diet?
Hello, new to this forum. I have a two year old daughter (almost 2 1/2) who weighs 50 lbs. I have an appointment at the end of the month with an endocronologist per my pediatrician, then reviewing blood work etc. with pediatrician afterwards.
My question is that I want to start NOW on a correct diet for her age. Does anyone know the amount of calories, fruits, veg etc. she should have on a daily basis? Also is splenda a good choice for children? She has had bad food allergies her whole life and was put on special formula (Neocate) at 1 month of age and besides apple juice and water, she has had bad reactions to other fluids.
I did take her to an allergist and she is allergic to peanuts and eggs but he said she is no longer allergic to milk. Blood test said milk is an allergy, but skin tests said it is not (however she has bad diaper rash after eating milk products and "sometimes" breaks out on her face when eating milk products). Additional tests will be done over the next few years. But the doctor told me "she is over weight and needs to loose weight" . Well duh but HOW do you do this -no diet nothing from him, just said to go back to pediatrician.
I just want to do what is best for her and need an education myself and for my husband. Thanks for any info you may have (or maybe a referral to another forum?)
I had the lap band myself a year ago and have lost weight, but don't want to see her go through this. I also have 2 older children who were "chubby" as toddlers but very active and healthy bmi's now as teenagers.