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Julie, This is my first visit to this forum, I had the lap band almost two years ago and have lost 100 pounds, my husband lost 30 and our daughter who is 11 has GAINED. I've been hesitant to talk to her too much about her weight as she, like your son is also very active. (swim team, soccer, BB and softball). She is in a sport at all times. My mother however is doing to her the same sort of things that she did to me, she'll say "just think how much faster you would swim, (run) if you didn't have to carry all that weight . I think you're doing all the right things and I might even suggest weight lifting a few times a week, then he could see those muscles too.
Is your son hungry all the time? My daughter seems to be hungry ALL the time. What sort of healthy snacks is you're son eating? My daughter fights me on fresh fruits and vegies. Smothering it with ranch seems to defeat the purpose. Any suggestions?
You can add me on myspace @
=] or you can just talk to me on here .. whatevers easier.

but after i thought i wasnt getting the surgery i just stoped getting on.
but now im back. :]
well im having the gastric bypass on september 30
kinda far away in my eyes but im so happy
i thought it would never happen but it finally did
im 16 and the insurance denied me more than three times i think
but i guess the 3rd ones the carm.
Joie Lehman CCLC
on 8/15/08 5:00 pm
Tara 15 year old son was at 420 at his top weight. He now has a very saggy stomach and manboobs. We are working on getting the surgery for him at the beginning of next summer. After he finishes 11th grade.
For some reason I can't get the picture to work now.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Carl Sagan
aim: nikkiixluhv
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