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My wife and I know what you are going through our daughter is 13 and she too has a weight problem we are working on. She is probably not as active as your son however we also have to monitor her 30 min of cardio per day. its not easy! But I want to let you know that they do hear it from other kids and probably don't say anything about it. I was overweight as a kid in school and I was called all kinds of names. My daughter is not so "big" but she comes home crying sometimes at some of the bad things other kids have said to her..
My thoughts are with you and your son.. I hope you get it all worked out.. Its just like it was for you just plan it out and one day at a time..
good luck
First of all, I applaud you for taking a proactive approach with your son's health. It's easier to say you just can't do anything about it.
I've been listening to the CD recording of 'The Slight Edge' by Jeff Olson. His take on life in general is that we are the result of those small things we practice over time. You may not be able to make a HUGE change in a day, but you can certainly start changing one thing per day...
I'm going to step into the controversial here and say that what I've been studying over the past two years indicates a real problem with "low fat" processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and other chemicals we introduce into our bodies. You might do a bit of digging into those subjects. I'd rather give my child pure olive oil on his salad than low fat dressing. We forbid artificial sweeteners in our home. I use stevia or Xylitol, and even my picky son doesn't mind! (He's a 30-year-old CHILD who loves his sugar, but has always been thin) I'd advise you to let your son literally eat as many raw vegetables as he wants, and this will begin a sort of "detox" in his body by helping get rid of accumulated poisons from chemically altered food.
Make sure he has fiber, fiber, fiber. I just started using a fiber supplement that disappears in water, and it makes me feel FULL for a long time, at a cost of 10 calories. Also, make sure he has adequate minerals in his body, as the body will search for what it needs by producing hunger, and it won't be hunger for GOOD things!
Water is a huge need as well, and he should get half an ounce per pound of body weight, daily. Skip the chemical filled drinks if at all possible.
He is very blessed to have a mom who loves him. I wish you the absolute best.
I know this post is from way back but im having the same trouble now. I'm having to put together a letter of appeal to my insurance and don't know what the heck to put. Sense its been a while has your daughter been approved? Im 15 btw. Im going to post a message to get some ideals for my letter. Do you have any suggestions? Anything would help!
Wish you the best of luck!!
I'm sorry I don't have much advice to give, only to tell you that I completely understand your son just turned 11 and weighed 203lbs at his checkup.
The dr goes on to basically tell me that I was lying about him drinking empty calories and eating junk all the time. He told me to make him do something physical (no tv, video games, computer for hours) for the majority of the time he his at home. He should earn "couch potato" time only after physical activity. He then said to NEVER allow him to drink anything with calories, cut back on junk, bread, pasta, fats, sugars, etc.
It'll all work itself out he claimed.
I put him on a strict diet for the last month and he lost a grand total of 3lbs and that's all. This is with 6-9 hrs a week of heavy physical exercise at football practice on top of the 30+ min per day of treadmill and elliptical equip at home. I don't know what to do!
He was a normal weight child until kindergarden when he got his tonsils out at the beginning of the school year and had gained 25lbs by the time school ended in May. He has continously put weight on since that time regardless of his diet. He's just steadily gotten larger and larger and I'm at a loss for what to do.
My husband and I both have had the DS wls and I do not want to see my son have to go through surgery to get his weight off.
My suggestion is to meet with his pediatrician and have them give you a specific diet to follow and see if that helps. I personally am thinking of going with Nutri System for my son if this new diet doesn't start working in the next month or so. We go back to see his ped. in 2 more months and I'm going to take a detailed food diary and exercise log with me to show we have been trying.

SW 298.5/LW 164.5/Regain- ugghh! CW 207/GW back down to 165
Curious about the DS? Check out the Duodenal Switch forum - we're always happy to answer your questions and share our experiences

The more things the change, the more they're still the same.
I've tried to limit his snacks to fruits, non-fat/SF yogurt, baby carrots.....having him drink a big glass of water or Crystal Lite if it's close to a meal. We've eliminated things like Mac and Cheese and fast a toddler, all he would eat was mac and cheese and he was a skinny thing! He also loves ranch dressing, so I control the amount (just a bit) and only buy the lowfat variety. We are on vacation, so it's been a bit more difficult as far as food goes, but we all are getting alot of exercise (hiking, swimming, walking).
As I had said in my OP, I was very hesitant to say anything to my son about his weight issue. But, I have to say, since we've approached the issue as a HEALTH issue (not a cosmetic defect, as it had been brought to my attention as a youngster), he is very positive. I don't feel as "hopeless" as I did before, because we are working on the healthy aspect of exercise and diet as a family.
I think our kids ARE very lucky to have parents like us, who care about them and their emotions.
Good luck to you and your daughter!
Congrats to both of you! Glad to hear everything is working out for ya'll. You guys are so lucky, I tried to have my surgery for 3 years, but my insurance would approve it until I was 18. So I turned 18 last March and had my surgery in November.
Good luck to both of you!
If you have any questions or just want to chat, just send me a message!
Have a great day!!!!