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Topic: Anyone located in PHX, AZ
I dont know anyone around my age who has had this surgery.
Im 3 months out from gastric bypass.
Message me
or on myspace.
Topic: RE: Issues on Age
Mm I suppose so, actually that never even crossed my mind, I mean you see big people here and every now and then the extremely large person but from what I have seen of people from the states it definitely is bigger there
Topic: RE: Issues on Age
Well if you live in Australia yeah maybe in your country it's like that but not over here in the States.
Topic: RE: Issues on Age
Well point them out to me then because the only time I hear of anyone dying when there overweight is the 800lb men that are in there 40's
Topic: RE: Issues on Age
Just wanted to point out that yes, obese 20-something's DO die. Obesity kills at every age group and the sooner you can get your weight off the better and possibly will help you live a lot longer. The weight loss surgery is major surgery and really anyone can die from it but that risk is weighed out with staying obese. I chose to have the surgery and I'm doing fine! So you just take risks. That's what life's about. We took risks in eating all that food, so we had to own up to our mistake and take another risk to help us get rid of the excess fat.
Topic: RE: hi i am new here
I agree with Jay, you probably won't find alot on this actual forum but the others you will. Also I'm 20 and getting the lap band as well so feel free to message me if you want.
Topic: RE: Issues on Age
I agree with alot of what you say, I know heaps of people have weight problems now, I'm 20 and I can honestly not remember a time when I havent been bigger than others my age but in saying that I think there should be certain restrictions with wls, I mean with lap band it is reversible so I think the age limit should be 18 where as with things like the duedonal (or however you spell it) switch and the gastric bypass, they are more major surgeries, there actually re routing your stomach so I think the age should be 21, I mean you don't hear about people at 20 dying from being so big that they can't cope right? Plus from what I have read,watched and heard about the gastric bypass you have to make sure your fully committed and wait at least a year to justify whether or not you should get it.
Topic: RE: Obesity and Stepchildren
I can totally relate to you. I have a great relationship with my step son also, and have been with his dad since he was almost 5. My step son is 10 years old and weighs 166 lbs. When we had him for our 6 week summer visit he lost 14lbs due to the new eating habits since I was banded the week before his visit started. When we got him this past weekend we weighed him and he is back to where he started from during our 6 week summer visit. It is very discouraging when we work so hard to help him out and then when he goes back to his moms the weight just piles back on. His mother had the Bypass in 2006 and you would think she would want to help him get healthy. My husband talked to her about the situation and she said she didnt know what the problem was, but my step son told me & his dad that mom doesnt cook much anymore so we eat at KFC, Western Sizzlin and other food places. Its just so upsetting to see my step son headed down the same road that his mother and myself were on as children, I want better for him, and just wished that she would also. Im not saying she doesnt care, but there needs to be more effort on her part of cooking him a healthy supper & going to the park to play in order to get him exercise without making it dreadful for him since he is only 10. I wished we lived closer to him, so if nothing else we could pick him up and take him to play but they live over an hour away.
Nancy B. Banded June 10th, 2008 & Loving It~~

Topic: RE: If the surgery takes place during the school year, how much should we expect my daugher to miss?
I would say 2 weeks. I wasnt the smartest. I went back after a week, and I shouldnt have, I have was way too sore and too tired. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and went back the following Tuesday. I would give it at least a week and 1/2 at the least. I had my surgery my first semester of college. I didnt get all the days counted against me because I had my surgery over Thanksgiving (what a time to have gastric
Good Luck and if you have any other questions or concerns, just ask!
Have a great day!!
God Bless!!!