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on 10/17/08 5:09 am
Topic: Actor Ron Lester is here.......
Hey Everybody!
I'm Ron lester. I was the actor the was 508lbs and lost 348 of it. Yes!!! I am the fat guy from such movies as Varsity Blues (Billy Bob), Not Another Teen Movie (Reggie ray), Good Burger (spatch), NBC Freaks and Geeks, and WB'**** show POPULAR (Sugar Daddy).
In Dec.2000 I went  in for RNY/DS. At this point both where still very new and not many where having both done. I had the RNY and flate lined. I had to come back 6 months later and had the DS.
I had posted that I had, had RNY/DS. Once I said that, I started having people ask how or which did I have either the RNY or the DS. But by being on here and talking with others. I have found that what I had done is uncommon but done with more drastic cases. SO....I am here to meet and talk with others that need support and would even be there for me when I need some. I would like to invite you to my website.
Once there, go to the bottom of the main page and on the right hand side you will see an icon for weight loss videos. Click on it. I hope you will start with the MONTEL SHOW that was done around me. I am sure you will find that I am very open person when it comes to trying to give helpful information.

I started doing motivational speaking last year and am now going to be the Keynote speaker at the OH LosAngeles event on Nov.1st.

I wanted to be apart of the OH event in Houston TX, they don't know if they can afford to have me there, with the way the economy has been. So I wanted to let you guys know that sense I do not work for OH and know that there is a lot of groups that would like a celeb like me to come and speak with and hangout personally with their group.  I want to extend an invite to you all, that if you have an event, and want a speaker. Please feel free to contact me and we will talk about what your needing.

Other than that.....I am on the OH website cause I am here to help other that have their own WLS story. Like I said before.......I am here to support and give advice, as well as find people that can help give me support and be there when I need someone to talk to as well!

I hope you will add me or request me to be a friend, here on the OH website.

I hope this finds you all Well and Happy!!!!
Ron Lester

"Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there!"
I will be leaving OH by the end of the year. I love all of you that have made me your friend. I ask that you come befriend me on my myspace or face book. But I will let it be know that I am tried of the ass holes and negative people that seem to live in the forums and blogs. I was on here to give support and get support and because I didn't didn't word my blogs that made me sound perfect. And finding out that there are soooooo many negative people on this website, Well you win. I wish you the best and hope nothing but the best for you. Other then that, I will be doing what I do best acting and showing support to those that want it. And by moving on allows me to be able to ride myself of the heart ache that was giving to me cause I worded things in a way the folks at OH suggested!. Never again will I be so willing to open my life to people who think small and want to fine falt with everything that people who want to help, try to offer. So I am not perfect!!!!!!!  Never tried to be.
Ron Lester
(deactivated member)
on 10/16/08 4:17 am
Topic: OT: thanks for the parental encouragement... ur all awesome
A couple of days ago I posted about an issue we are having at school with my daughter. I wanted to say thank you for all your amazing advice, encouragement, and just lending me your ear. I have gotten some great resources from you all (books, locate support ideas ~ BANA, etc). Thank you for sharing your experiences too...

As a parent, you want to see your child shimmer and shine, be healthy and happy. You all contributed to her well-being (now and her future), to which I have to say THANK YOU!!

Words can't express my gratitude & appreciation,


p/s original link:,messageboard/action,replies/ board_id,5450/cat_id,5050/topic_id,3755882/page,1/#29946923
on 10/15/08 4:09 am - North Little Rock, AR
Topic: RE: OT: looking for some parental advise...
Hi, Lisa!  My name is Lisa also, and boy do I know where you are.  My daugher is 17 now but she's always been overweight.  I remember the first time in elementary school that she had to deal with the kind of torment your daugher is going through and it broke my heart. I did read a book titled "Queenbees & Wannabes" which was helpful.  It was not specifically about helping girls with weight issues, but it did give great advice about how to help build their self-esteem and included many tips about how to effectively communicate with adolescent girls.

A really terrible thing I've done is  whenever she tells me that someone made a crack about her weight, I say, "Well, did you tell them 'I can lose weight but ugly is PERMANENT!'?"  I know that's not the mature response, but it always made us giggle.

My heart goes out to both of you, because I know how painful the situation is.  My daughter has been approved for weight loss surgery and will have it sometime before the end of the year.  Sometimes I wish we had looked into it earlier but you know what, Lisa?  I think seeing how horrid some other kids can be has helped mold her into the loving, caring person that she is today, and losing weight will never turn her into one of those shallow little "bow-heads".  For that, I am thankful! 
(deactivated member)
on 10/15/08 12:29 am
Topic: OT: looking for some parental advise...

Hi there!! I know there is a forum for "teen and childhood obesity" but it doesnt seem like it gets to much action... so, I've come to you.

My name is Lisa & I am a mother of a beautiful 8 year old daughter, Lucy. An issue has come up and I am in need of some advise.  I picked up Lucy from school yesterday & thru our normal conversation about her day I found out that none of the girls in her class will play with her. Apparently, she's been told she's too big, fat & obese. I know my ego was more bruised than her's. Lucy is in the 93rd percentile for both weight and height; there is no fluffing around that... but she's healthy & knows that.  I asked her what she wanted me to do & her response was nothing... she will figure it out herself & then she will let me know. I reassured her that everyone is made differently, girls/women are notorious for this, etc... I don't know what to do & things have definitely changed since I was a kid.  My husband doesn't really see an issue but I chalk it up to the fact he's a guy & never dealt with this. I was hoping that I could get some names of books or authors. A direction to go... Lucy is truly an awesome kid & I don't want her carrying this around like it has for so many women/ or rest of her life... I know it's a hard world out there; how can I let her soar and be confident...

Looking forward to your response,


p/s I'll probably be posting on other forums as well...

on 10/8/08 10:15 am - winchester, VA
RNY on 01/24/06 with
Topic: RE: Help
Thank you, I am going to need it, she seems to be in sort of denial, she is a player in softball and hopefully when fall ball is over and she start conditioning for her high school team she will see the changes, they work you hard :), and she will continue to work hard, I appreciate all of you guys input, it has help . 

on 10/8/08 9:58 am - DE
Topic: RE: Help
I seem to be in almost the same spot as you.  But it is my son. I had bypass 2.5 years ago this week,  He is 6 feet tall with a weight of 287.  If I even mention diet we get into a big arguement.  I try to talk to my wife but she/we still buy the quick fixes for meals  We are all busy aren't we?  Anyway, He is 17 and I am making an appointment with my surgeon for teh near future.  Just to see what is going on.

Good luck!

on 10/8/08 9:47 am - DE
Topic: RE: What did you tell or are you telling your teachers at school?
Jay, first of all I salute your courage in going forward with this life saving procedure. I didn't see exactly which surgery you are having done.  Is it the band or by pass?

Next, as a teacher in a relatively small town in a very very small state (Delaware)  I understand your concerns.  If it were me I would be screaming it from the roof tops! However not everyone is me and I was not in high school when I had my surgery. It was 2.5 yeaars ago I was 46 and just...yes just finishing my student teaching experience. I finished it on a friday and had surgery on Monday. 

Anyway, back to your question. Sit down with your parents, the prinicipals, the counselors, and of course the school nurse. Lay it out to them.  ASk their advice and then do what is right for YOU!!  Just remember that by sharing with someone you might help them in the same decision and thus save a life.

I wish you luck and I will be checking here on your progress.  I am often in the mens forum. So if you do not see me here try there.

Good luck and GOD  BLESS.


Chris G.
on 10/8/08 3:53 am
Topic: RE: Help
She plays softball right? Is she a starter or benchwarmer? If she's a benchwarmer, getting her to exercise and try to improve her game should help. If she's a starter, try to get her to improve her game so that she may be able to get a college scholarship.

If she's competitive I think these things would work. Also, modeling healthy behavior goes a long way toward your children doing what you are doing. Behaviors are learned over years and it's not easy changing unhealthy behaviors for healthy ones. The trick is staying motivated and knowing what works for yourself.

Get her involved with grocery shopping and cooking. Only buy vegetables, lean meats, etc. that would make for a healthy dinner. Those are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head.

Does any of this help or have you already tried them?
Chris Gillette, MS
on 10/7/08 9:08 pm - Austin, TX
Topic: RE: considering surgery..


I would give anything to be 17 and making the decision you are dealing with.  Taking responsibility for being obese is a big step.

I would encourage you to research the Ds and ask as many questions as you need to, in order to feel comfortable  with whatever WLS you select.  Compare all the available surgeries.  You will find plus and minus for each, but some will be more livable and suit you better than others.

I chose the DS because I didn't want my stomach to be bascially removed and function differently.  Yes, my stomach is smaller, much smaller but it functioms the same, and I can eat whatever I put in my mouth, without having pain later from my food choice.  The intestinal re-arrangement of the DS is also livable for me since I am committed to taking vitamins every day.  At my age I take Fosomax for my bones, once a week and a daily multivitamin; so adding a few others (vitamins) is really no big deal.  I place these supplements on the countertop under the dish cabinet, so I see them each time I reach for a plate, bowl or glass.  In other words, when I eat, I am reminded to take my supplements (which is three times a day).  I try to make it as routine as possible.   My hubby puts his vitamins by his shaving cream in the bathroom since he takes his one prescription and vitamin ONCE A DAY. 

With family members that have had weight loss surgery, I am hopeful you will have all the support you need in making your decision and plodding through the first year.  At the end of that time, you will have a routine established, a good relationship with your surgeon and basically "know the drill" for staying healthy.  AND you will look good and feel great.

I wish you well and invite you to the DS forum.  We will all be there for you to give you the benefit of our experience.  By the way, I had my surgery in January and I have lost 100 lbs; I'm smaller than I was in high school.  

See you around - now go do your research.


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