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I am new to this site, but I am so glad my neighbor told me about it. I am 16 years old and morbidly obese. I am planning on having gastric bypass if I can get approved by it since I'm a minor. I am basically just looking for other teens my age to converse with and relate to. I have always been so alone with my body, and never had anyone to relate to. Please, if your obese and under 18, contact me on here. Deeply appreciated.
I was referred here from a link on the DS board. I believe I've seen your face there as well, so you may already know this. There are several DS surgeons who have performed surgeries on people who are SSMO (Super Super Morbidly Obese).
Dakotahmama was over BMI 80 when she had her surgery about 18 months ago with Dr Buchwald in Michigan.
Anne S was SSMO - I don't remember her BMI, but she was 440lbs at the time of surgery. She was operated on by Dr Smith in Atlanta.
I believe Dr Rabkin has done the DS on SSMO as well, and I know my surgeon, Dr Marchesini of Curitiba Brazil has operated on people up to 800lbs.
Both Anne & Dakotahmama were Medicare patients at the time, so if you have that, they would be two choices to consider. What are your options financially? Do you have insurance? Medicare? Do you have the ability to self-pay? My surgery in Brazil (including travel) was about $15k.

Click here to read my blog: Unicorns & Stranger Things
I know Dr. Buchwald here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has performed DS surgery on people your size and larger. He has also performed it on some younger patients. He is a fine surgeon and has never lost a DS patient as far as I know. He's definitely worth contacting.
Best of luck to you.

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
Hello everyone. Well I posted on here a while ago. Well I am 16 and I have a BMI 88.9 I know bad. Well I went and got blood work done the other day and everything came back good. I weigh 502 pounds and am 5'3 and I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure or high cholesterol or anything. My only problem is I'm severely overweight. My doctor suggested I go and meet with one of the local gastric bypass RNY surgeon, and well I received a phone call today from the surgeon's assiant and she said that my BMI is to high for my age and that the doctor did not want to do my surgery. I feel like surgery is my last chance, its a life or death thing for me. My weight has taken over my life, I get pain so fast just for standing up for a minute or two. I had to switch to home school because I cannot do public school, I get to out of breath and sprain my ankles to easily. My thyroid was tested because I was on a low portion diet with no sugar and limited salt for a year but only lost 26 pounds and then in two days of no change in diet I gained it all back and no one knows why. Ive always loved sports even tho my size has made it difficult Ive always been very active but still here I am at 502 pounds. My main doctor told me that he doesn't want to give up on me like other doctors have and that he will do whatever it takes for me to be able to be a normal healthy teenager. Ive researched the RNY so much and know some things of what to expect and I understand that its is a risk but I am willing to take that risk if it means to be a happy healthy person. I don't believe I was put on this earth just to die before I was 20 but that's how things are looking. Just because one surgeon said no doesn't mean they all will, right? Do you think that having surgery will be best for me? what are your views? Every-ones opinions are welcome. I am willing to make all the sacrifices I have to and put all of my will power into it No doubt. I will give up everything that I do in this life I have now so that I will have a future.