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on 12/9/04 11:13 pm - burnsville, mn
on 12/9/04 11:13 pm - burnsville, mn
Topic: questions
does anyone here ever had the duodenal switch also known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. and also, if yuo havent, are you researching it or going to have it?do you know when you can start eating right after the procedure?im so scared to have someone cut an 10in*****ision in me.
i dont know what to do.can someone help me. also i have a group for teens and parents./friend/coworkers of teenagers that are going to, have,had or researching bartiatric weight loss surgery. my yahoo one is teens weight loss surgery. just type that into yahoo search groups and it should pop up and you can join. you can invite all teh friends you want by emailing me there email addys and i can send them invites. you cant join unless you have a yahoo sn. but if you dont you can make a free one. its really fun with the chat and all.invites lots of poeple and spread the word. if you want i can make you an owner so you can manage the group too. i also own a msn group. if you want to join email me at you can also im me at my aol/aim sn . its blitzbabe0053
my msn sn is
if you dont have an msn sn you can make one to join my group for free. pleae join and invite others to join. its alot of fun. you will meet others just like you who struggle with there weight and going through or think about having weight loss surgery
lots of luv,
meghan andresen

Topic: RE: 6 days out. pureed questions.
hey.. i know u dont want to hear this... but id totally wait the few days.... because honestly.. i had the liquid stage for TWO WEEKS BEFORE surgery... that was it.. all liquids, EWWW.
And two weeks after! it was h3ll but it was worth it! really...
I just had surgery 7 weeks ago.. i mean, the first 2 weeks after were still liquid, and then 2 more of soft pureed... cottage cheese, apple sauce, mashed taters.. lala.
So really.. just wait :D everything is going great u said, so make sure it stays that way, ya know :D
It does suck, and i know its hard, but itll be worth it...
And as far as crystal light.. everyone is different.. but they gave me crystal light at the hospital even... i took home little packets... I'm almost positive its fine, it was for me, but ask to be sure :D
Good luck, and congrats :D
Topic: RE: Grr It's Frusturating!!!
Yea... well, ive lost a lot i guess.... i think thats the hardest part i need to focus on.... after exercise.. i should start drinkn protein drinks again, not jus****er water... the protein drinks are good for me, they just taste HORRIBLE now after surgery.
Topic: 6 days out. pureed questions.
So, I made it! I'm 6 days out now, my surgery was on the 6th. Everything went well, no surprises
My recovery is going great. I'm up and about, have been since the day after my surgery ( I was cruising in that hospital!) and have minimal pain. I took pain medications maybe once a day until today, and I didnt need it today. I'm on the liquid diet still (ugh, im tired of it!). Its hard because I dont get hungry but its hard to tell if your "full" when your on a liquid diet you know what I mean?
Well here are my current issues:
The Pureed Diet.
I'm finding alot of people are surprised when I say my liquid stage is only a week. A week from the day I passed my Upper GI, so that means Sunday I can start Pureed food. The Pureed diet lasts 2 weeks. Soft foods follows that, for another 2 weeks. Then its all foods as tolerated. Alot of people are on liquids I guess for 2 or 3 weeks ??? Here is my question. I'm tired of liquid. I can go to pureed on Sunday. Would it hurt if I started a couple days early, just a little bit?
They said I can have things like, mashed taters, yogurt, cottage cheese, ect. Do I need to blend them? Like, yogurt is pretty much soft as it is, would I still need to put it in the blender?
Thats about it. Oh, does anyone know if you can have Crystal Light ? At the stage I'm at right now. ????

Topic: RE: Weight Loss Poll
Right now I'm between 160-158 lbs. from 250lbs. preop. I am not really losing weight but i seem to still be losing inches and clothing size. I started at a size 20/22 and now at a 7/8, so if i get to a size 4 and still 150 some odd pounds i won't really care. I'm going to need a lot of plastics spefically, tummy tuck, arms, thighs, breast lift with implant, a little lipo here and there.
Topic: RE: Grr It's Frusturating!!!
going back in my memory to 7 weeks post op, I was losing weight but the physcial recuperation from the surgery was still making me feel sluggish which in my thought made me feel like I wasn't losing anything. I didn't notice any weight loss till about the third month when i saw myself in a picture i took and compared it to my preop picture. The weight is going to go about 20lbs a month at most I think anymore than that is pushing it on your internal organs. Plus your weight loss will start to go in spurts one month only 10 next month 25 etc... One thing to notice is that with the weight loss any exercise you do you are going to build muscle which in return contributes to kick starting the metabolism. At this point at 7 weeks I think your body has recuperated enough to really work out. Just make sure you are getting enough protein after working out.
on 12/9/04 10:47 am - burnsville, mn
on 12/9/04 10:47 am - burnsville, mn
Topic: RE: Diet tips NEEDED!
eat an orange, grape fruit or clemintime before you put any junkfood or any part of your meals in your mouth. these certain fruits speed uyp ur metbalosim adn stop you from absorbing so much bad nutrients. plsu if you cant lose the weight. you can always go with another doc. or if you really need to lose what my friends dont do that. i tried it lose a ton of weight but gained it back when i should join my weight loss surgery support group at
or join my other group on yahoo called teens weight loss surgery
on 12/9/04 10:43 am - burnsville, mn
on 12/9/04 10:43 am - burnsville, mn
Topic: RE: i pray i get approved
hey what state do you live in. because i can find a hsopital that will approve you, because i can find one that does teens so easily. you should join my teen weight loss surgery group if your researching, had or having wls. email me at
love always,
on 12/9/04 10:40 am - burnsville, mn
on 12/9/04 10:40 am - burnsville, mn
Topic: please join my wls teen group
hey there everyone. im going to have weight loss surgery on april28th 2005 through dr.buchwald at the university of minnesota hospital. i was wondering if anyone could email me about there experiances and we can keep in touch. and you can join my group if your having had or going to have wls. its this Join teens and weight loss surgery
MSN Groups
or you can join my yahoo group teens weight loss surgery. you can email me at
and if that msn thing doesnt work its
lots of luv,
meghan andresen
p.s. my stats are 364lbs and 5'4.5 and oal weight is 140lbs