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I really respect the fact that you realize you have a problem with your weight. You mention many of the things that other teens with a weight problem have experienced. You are not alone of course.
While there are tons of books and self help resources out there to spend money on, I do want to highlight one resource that you may not have seen.
Trim Kids is a book written by a really thoughtful person named Melinda Sothern. It is available on Amazon for 13 dollars. It is a 12 week program that anyone can do! Importantly, it is not a "diet book." It does contain some recipes that are healthy but it also puts them together with good common sense activities that get you moving.
Try it! You might like it.
Let me know, ok? If you have questions for Dr. Sothern, I can even find her for you!!
All the best,
Dr. Tom

Thomas Inge, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics
Director, Adolescent Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (
Principal Investigator, Teen-LABS (
Children's Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado, Denver
Executive Assistant:
Karen Warnock
Phone: (720) 777-3179
All good info. I agree that you are pushing yourself too hard. We exercise Teens who are much more overweight than you are and have not had any serious complications of it yet, but we do have some guidelines!
Let me grab my favorite Exercise Physiologist to join us in this chat, ok? She is awesome and will have the right "prescription."
Keep up the good work!
Tom Inge
Thomas Inge, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics
Director, Adolescent Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (
Principal Investigator, Teen-LABS (
Children's Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado, Denver
Executive Assistant:
Karen Warnock
Phone: (720) 777-3179
I am 19 and had the Gastric sleeve done about a month ago. I am just looking for other people who have had the same surgery or if you have any questions about the surgery I am answer them for ya. Hope all is well!!!
I am 19 and had the sleeve done about a month ago. If you ever want to chat about anything I am here. I didnt know there was a teen section of this soo I am deff excited to see other younger poeple who had the surgery.
If your getting to the point of dizzyness then you are pushing yourself to hard. Just take it easy, dont over do it. and you should always eat before you work out, Drink plenty of water, Maybe you just got dehydrated. Your body is not use to exercise, Start slow and pick it up. Maybe if you asked your doctor about what he thought as far as exercising goes.
I to cannot go to bed early I usually go to bed around 4-5 am.
Hope this helps.
I got my BPM up to 176, where my maximum is 203. In prior exercise, it never got past 155.
I'm just scared now to exercise again because I'm afraid I'll push myself too hard and faint. I guess the panic disorder doesn't help much. But I really want to know if there's anything I can do to get rid of that feeling. It comes even when I'm doing little exercise too. Like walking at a slow pace where my BPM is about 135-145.
What happened to get it up to 176 was I was doing that ea active game where you do all these really heavy exercises like running in place and doing bicep curls and cardio and everything else. It's supposed to burn 250 calories, but I couldn't even get halfway through it (there were 16 exercises spanning about 20 minutes total).
I don't want this to ruin my ability to get the weight off. But feeling this way everytime I exercise just bothers and scares me.
My heart is fine, I don't have diabeties, and as far as I know, my thyroid is okay. I don't get good sleep. I usually can't get to bed before 3AM or later. I don't get the 10 PM deadline for the "healing" effects and I usually eat after 7PM.