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Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
Heyy Becca,
Sorry I am not a guy also but I have to say that when I read your post I was in shock because I am almost going through the same thing! lol
Dont worry about it....if he bolted over that maybe he wasnt worth it but trust me its so hard to say good bye and get over it...its taking me months! If you ever want to talk more about this....
aim=xabrokendreamsxa, yahoo=in_ur_dreams2468, msn=sweetbrwneyedqt
Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
Hey Becca-
I'm not a guy, but I've done the internet dating thing, so I thought I might try and help. I think the first thing you need to pound into your brain is that if he bolted because of your weight, he's not worth your time. Of course that's easier said that done, but it's really the truth.
If you feel like you want to, hop on to those chats where you meet people, or sign up for some message boards for something you are interested and try and meet someone new. I met my current boyfriend in a message board for a common interest, and we were friends for over a year before that even developed into anything else. We met, and we've been living together for 2 years now. I'm not trying to step on your hurt feelings here by sharing my 'success story', but more trying to show you that the online thing can work. I will tell you that even though I wouldn't have considered dating anyone else at the time, I really didn't consider us "together" until we actually met and continued to get along.
I think that in a good candidate the fact that you are losing weight shouldn't come up, unless you want it to. A guy who's into you for YOU might be happy that you are losing weight, but it's not going to be a criteria.
Good luck
Topic: Better to have loved and lost???
Hey all! Sorry this is a bit of a pity post. I broke up with my internet bf almost three months ago and I still can't get over him! We chatted,e-mailed and called back and forth for two and a half months and met once. Even though he knew I was loosing (I told him aboiut the surgery, that's how close we were) reaaaaally quickly, I guess it wasn't fast enough for him, and he bolted!
I really need some of you men out there to assure me you're not all that insensitive!
Any advice on how to get over this guy, besides hiring a hit man would be really helpful!
Topic: RE: What really good about Alcohol?
This is a good question. I am having AGB done on wednesday and I have parties lined up starting next weekend, i dont usually drink, but I do take shots occasionally, when I am at a party... but not many (more like ONE). I am not a lightweight at all, so this will be interesting
Topic: RE: What really good about Alcohol?
I had the lapband done in July, and didn't drink for about 2 months. When I started drinking again I found that I've become a total 'lightweight' (no pun intended).
Topic: RE: I'm needing help.. im just so confused
Be sure to talk to your primary care doctor about the surgery. If you've decided on a surgery, tell them which one, and see what they say. The bottom line is, if you want surgery and your doc wont approve, find a different doctor. This is no one's dicision but your own. I was self pay, so I didn't need my doctor to refer me, but I still went and saw her, to make sure she'd still treat me and didnt' have any major objections.
If you haven't decided on a surgery, do your research and see what your doctor says. See if you get a feeling on whether your doctor has a bias for one or the other. But definately do your research and form an opinion on your own, and don't let anyone decide for you.
Call your insurance like was mentioned before, and make sure there's no exclusions.
Topic: RE: Its been awhile. More ?'s like always ..
I had a different surgery than you, so the rules are a little different, but count your calories for a few days instead of bites. I highly doubt you even got 500 calories in with what you have listed here. I don't know what your doctor says, but I would think you should be having at least 1000 per day, to get in the protien and vitamins you need right?
I don't know about the burning in your stomach though. I would say you should talk to your doctor about that if it hasn't gone away...
Topic: RE: :(
Time for a pick me up!!! You are getting too down on your self. If you are thinking you are eating to much,, then slow down, take your time eating and you should try and drink your water. I have always had problems with protein but i must say i dont do my drinks I hate them so i make sure i eat alot of it durin the day. The headaches are from the protien, you need more nutrients.
Get past the skin.... think of what you are gaining and how you will look in the clothes. The skin will start to firm up in places, you'd be surprised! I am 24 and it has happened to me. I still think that they should tie in a plastic surgery later option when you have WLS but that is just my opinion.
Best advise I can give you is treat yourself well. That is what I do. I remember that I am working hard and I deserve the best, so keep working at it. I have depressing days too. I think everyone does... then I will have some little thing that picks me up,,, like walking through the mall and seeing reflection in the Victoria secrets window and being amazed that my butt is so much smaller!! You will laugh and it will give you a little "pick me up" ,,,, do something nice for yourself, thats what you need, lift your spirits, you did the best and healthiest thing for you. And if all else fails,, go back read your profile... diary... journal,,, old post... and remember how bad you wanted this.
Best wishes!
No way!!
I am 24 and post op!!! Go 20+ people. It is something that i was hoping that they would get going. I am down 196 lbs and about 50 lbs from my personal goal. But 17 from my docs goal. Hope all is well and if anyone is think about possibly doing the surgery....JUST DO IT You will feel great
Topic: RE: What really good about Alcohol?
you do tend to get drunk quicker.... and a higher blood alcohol level quicker, you dont have the same tolerance at all and you may feel fine, but your system can be effect quicker.