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Topic: l need a buddy
hey i need a buddy getting one last preop done sleep study finishing up my monitored diet 24 yrs old 15 mo old son married i would like someone who is in about or just ahead of me to do this together
Topic: RE: I finally have a date!!!!!!!!
thats soo awesome! you finally got a date! im having my surgery on friday. your date will be here soon enough. congrats again
Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
Oh hunni...i was in a similar situation...except i was dating this guy when i was 80 pounds lighter...he was so cute so sweet...everything i always wanted...i put on this huge amount of weight in a matter of MONTHS and he saw me again after probably 5 months and hasn't called me since. I cried for a kidding. Then I realized um EW!!! There are much better guys for me AND YOU!! babe your beautiful now, and ull be just as beautiful when you lose the weight.
Topic: RE: I finally have a date!!!!!!!!
Awesome!!!! I'm still waiting on my date, hopefully I'll know by next month
Anyways, ALL THE BEST! hehe i'm so happy for you
Topic: I finally have a date!!!!!!!!
Hi all! I havent posted in along, long time! I have been very busy! Well anyway today I had my consultation with my Doctor and we set the date! Oh my God I am so happy! I am finally getting closer to be a loser! One of my main concerns was picking the surgery thats best for me. I had orginally wanted the Lap-Band but I wasnt sure if my insurance company was going to approve it. So I was open to any weight loss surgery! When I spoke to my doctor about this he said that my insurance company which is GHI, normally dont approve the Lap band. But he said that I have so many health problems and they are obligated to approve me. So I am having my Lap-Band surgery on April 25,2005! My surgeon wasnt going to let me not have the Lap band because the lap-band is his specialty. Dr. Fielding has done the most lap band surgeries in the world. Well I hope I made the right decision and I hope all goes well.
Until Next Time,
Dan Castro
Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
Sorry to be blunt but... screw him! You don't need someone like that. And don't you worry, once you start losing weight and having more confidence in yourself the men will be swooning. I just went out with my girlfriends this past weekend and guys were whistling and asking where I was going to be. That NEVER used to happen. It may sound stupid to think that stuff is great but when it never used to happen it's so flattering now. It makes you feel empowered. Don't worry about your ex a better one will come along. For now just go and have fun. Have the fun you missed out on you deserve it!
Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
first of all im sorry he was so shallow as to bolt over something as small as weight, and specially since you are losing :D honestly not all guys are like that, i know it might seem like that but really were not :P
I don't know if its because he didnt totally understand the whole wls thing or w/e but i think someone who was meant to be with you would have stuck with you and watched your "transformation" :D
Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
thanx everyone! I really appreciate all your input! It made me feel a bit better, thanx again!
Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
I say get out and about... The best way to get over someone is to busy yourself outside of the house. Instead of being on the computer go for a walk, to the gym, go get your hair done, go shopping, etc... anything that will make you feel better except laying on the couch watching tv or waiting on the computer or even worse eating; that's why I say get out of the house. Another solution is to surround yourself with friends that will keep you busy and your mind off this guy.
Topic: RE: Better to have loved and lost???
Hey babe,
I can understand how you feel, I've had it happen to me online AND in person...
At the moment, I'm crazy in love with someone I met's been almost a year now. It took me about 5 months to confess how I really look to him, and show him a picture of something other than my face. After all this time, he still loves and accepts me as I am. Just recently, we've begun to exchange more pictures because I got a new digital cam=P, and all he has are words of praise for me. It's shocking, that he would find something I find so disgusting as sexy..he loved me before my face, and that hasn't changed. to him, me getting surgery is a bonus, not a necessity.
if your ex couldn't understand that you are beautiful no matter what, and that you are trying to better your life at your own pace, he's not worth it. there are real guys out there who will love you for everything and more. don't give up hope, get out there and bask in the attention you can get with that cute face and sExAy body i'm sure forget the guy that won't give you a reason to smile and feel proud of yourself, YOU CAN DO BETTER!
All the best ,