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on 3/4/05 2:19 am - Cedar Hill, TX
Topic: RE: Hey all... new here!
Hey Jenn, I just wanted to start off by saying congratulations on taking the right steps to get your wls going! Now, I am 18 yrs. old and I had Lap-Band 2 1/2 months ago, and despite the understanding that ppl think Lap-banders lose slowly, I have lost 55 lbs. in that amount of time, so hopefully that gives you a prediction on where you may be post-op. So let me answer some of your questions the best I can.. ONE.) How do you overcome nervousness pre-op with insurance and the surgery in general? I know it is normal to be nervous, because it is a major surgery, but, what do you suggest to calm nerves? I did self pay so I didnt have to deal with the insurance, but as far as nerves goes, I wasnt that nervous until I had all my pre-op tests done...but I gave it all to God because I knew he would take care of me. TWO.) What can I look forward to for the first couple days after surgery, like machines, wires, tubes, and that sort? I had surgery twice and had different tubes each time. You will have an intubation tube for breathing, but they put it in and take it out when you are asleep. Then you may have an NG tube, catheter, and you will definately have the boots around your legs that pressurize so you dont get blood clots. Three.) I BELIEVE I am having an open RnY. What can I look forward to with that? With everything? Four.) What are the chances of "dumping" after a year or so post op with eating something sweet? Or should I just not risk it? Five.) How common is it that you go off of all your medication for diabetes and other comorbidies right after surgery? Six.) What are the chances of needing plastic surgery for someone our age? I have been told that at our age, our skin just "bounces" back. Is that true, or no? I think this depends on how much excess skin you have, but yes, my doctor told me that our skin does have a better chance to snap back Seven.) What have been the effects of WLS on your self image? And have you found dating and relationships easier, now that you've lost weight and so forth? What a great question. I have found that I have a better self image of myself, but I also criticize myself when the scale doesnt move for a few days. Relationship wise, my one true love has actually been more affectionate lately but in the beginning he was distant and come to find out he was truly scared for my well-being. Dont let this surgery change you. Physically, yes, but on the inside you will be the same and some people dont believe that, so prove them wrong! ~**~Megan~**~
on 3/4/05 12:12 am - Blaine, MN
Topic: RE: Hey all... new here!
Hi, Jenn! Welcome to the board! I'm Megan, I'm 21, and I had lap RNY back on Dec. 13, 2004. Because I was the third in our family that year to have this surgery (all with the same surgeon) I already knew the procedure of what would happen to me when I got to the hospital that day, where I was going to be going once I was checked into the hospital, what to expect when I got out of surgery, during the stay, etc. I will be fully honest, because of this, I wasn't in the least bit nervous about the surgery. I was just excited! So, if you know anyone else who's had this surgeon, maybe ask some of those questions so you know what to expect the day of surgery. Another thing that calmed me was the fact that I would be asleep for the whole thing and when I woke up it would all be over and I'd finally be 'on the other side.' I didn't have my RNY open, I had it done lap so I don't know how much different the care is after surgery, but I was on an IV of fluids until I went home the next day (I think your stay may be a day longer since you're open, but I'm not for sure on that) and through my IV I recieved my morphine and toredol shots (for pain). They had me on oxygen for the first couple of hours after surgery and every 2 hours they came in to take my vitals (blood pressure, pulse, and temp****il I went home. As far as dumping goes, everyone dumps from different things and some people don't even get dumping syndrome. My boyfriend, who is a year post op this month, still dumps from things. He can eat some sweets and be just fine, but he can eat other sweets and he'll dump. It's really all trial and error. I've found though that if you are craving something sweet, they make no sugar added fudge bars that are really good and I don't know of anyone yet who's had the surgery that's dumped from them. They're made with splenda I think (could be wrong) and really low in calories (like 60 or 70). I don't see how one of those every now and then is going to make that big of a dent in your diet so I treat myself every once in awhile. There are also sugar free cookies and whatnot that are really good that we found at the grocery store. They're also low in calories. You just have to look at labels and see. There's more out there than you think. I personally have had girl scout cookies and I didn't dump from them, I've had a donut which I knew I would dump really bad from (and I did, but I didn't care because it tasted sooooooooo good and I hadn't had one in FOREVER! ) We're only human, so if you want something sweet, try to first find something that's sugar free, but if you can't, you can still try it (this surgery is all about trial and error with everything you eat) but just know that you may dump. I can't answer your question about co-morbidities since I didn't really have any, but I did have GERD before surgery and now I don't (no stomach acid in your new pouch...) I don't really think it's so much age as it is how much you have to lose. I was 224 the day of surgery and I'm down to 168 as of this past Saturday and I don't have any hanging skin or bulges in my apron area (lower stomach area) like some people do...Im shrinking evenly all over and my stomach is almost flat, no bulge or fatty tissue like some people. My boyfriend is a little older, 29, and he was 405 the day of surgery and down now to 245. He's going to have to have plastic surgery because he lost weight so fast that his skin didn't have time to catch up basically. He's going to have to have a tummy tuck, inner thighs, and his chest done (to get rid of the lose skin from his 'man boobs' he had). So, the more you have to lose, the more at risk you are of having to have plastic surgery...but yes, the fact that you are younger does give you somewhat of an advantage, but not a huge one if you've got a lot of weight to lose. For your question on relationships and self image...I find guys looking at me a lot more now, I have more confidence in myself though too and feel like dressing up a little more now that I'm not a size 18 anymore and am currently in a size 8 and 10. I don't run around wearing sweatshirts and windpants all the time now. Since this surgery and losing some weight my relationship with my boyfriend has grown and we've become closer, we go out and have more fun together now (we now have energy!) and our sex life couldn't be better. So, I think it has made a huge difference in that area. You feel so much better not only physically, but mentally and it shows and other people can see that and can see the change in you because you'll have a better attitude on life and you'll have more energy and it's just an all out confidence booster when you start getting all this positive feedback from other people, especially those of the opposite sex. This surgery in itself isn't going to change who you are though, the surgery itself only changes your appearance. It's up to you to take that and use it to your advantage to better yourself mentally in your self image, confidence levels, etc. Make sense? I'm so excited for you! This has been such an amazing and fun journey for me that I love to hear about others who are going to go through it also and experience this whole new life. Good luck, best wishes, and if you have anymore questions, please ask! Megan
on 3/3/05 11:02 pm - Madison, WI
Topic: Hey all... new here!
Hola! Que pasa?! Nothing much here going on. Just hanging out. My name is Jennifer, but y'all can call me Jenn or Lully. I'm eighteen years old, from Wisconsin, and I am in the process of getting WLS. At the moment, all my letters of recommedation are on their way to the insurance company, if not there by now. I hope I get accepted quickly by them(I don't see why not, I have seen that all of the other people with the same insurance get accepted within ten days!), and that the ball gets moving. I have been anticipating this surgery for about two years now. But anyway. I have a couple questions for all of you, because most of you are more my age and are more capable of understanding something I would be going through. ONE.) How do you overcome nervousness pre-op with insurance and the surgery in general? I know it is normal to be nervous, because it is a major surgery, but, what do you suggest to calm nerves? TWO.) What can I look forward to for the first couple days after surgery, like machines, wires, tubes, and that sort? Three.) I BELIEVE I am having an open RnY. What can I look forward to with that? With everything? Four.) What are the chances of "dumping" after a year or so post op with eating something sweet? Or should I just not risk it? Five.) How common is it that you go off of all your medication for diabetes and other comorbidies right after surgery? Six.) What are the chances of needing plastic surgery for someone our age? I have been told that at our age, our skin just "bounces" back. Is that true, or no? Seven.) What have been the effects of WLS on your self image? And have you found dating and relationships easier, now that you've lost weight and so forth? Well, that's about it. I won't bother you any more. LOL This is long enough as it is. If I have any more questions, I'll come here. Thanks for your help! Always, Jenn AKA Lully
Nickster R.
on 3/3/05 6:49 am - Rock N Roll, LA
Topic: Waiting For Approval
Hey You Guys My Name Is Nikki. This Is My First Time Ever To Post On The Teen Forum. I Never Knew It Was Here. I Am Waiting For My Approval From The Insurance Company For The Lap Band. I Have Done All Of My Test And All Of That Good Stuff Just Waiting On Approval. A Few Questions I Want To Know From A Younger Point Of View Instead Of Someone Whom Is Much Older Than Me But I Do Appreciate All Of There Help Especially Frances. Anyways How Did You Guys Do? Do You Think Your Age Helped You Have A Better Recovery? Anything That You Guys Would Like To Share With Me Please Do. Talk To You All Soon. Until Next Time Peace Love And Rock N Roll....Nickster
Sarah Joy
on 3/2/05 1:01 am - Hawthorne, CA
That's why i want gift certs for clothes. I want to buy the occasional pair of jeans so that i have something to wear. I'm not really buying shirts tho... you can always wear a shirt that's too big :P
on 3/2/05 12:14 am - MD
Topic: RE: 6 month pics
Thank you so much Aleya! Good Luck with your upcoming appointments. And Good luck with getting a surgery date! You are a very beautiful girl! Your pictures are gorgeous! --Marianne 256/174/140-goal 120-dream
aLeYa ~.
on 3/1/05 11:18 am - Coquitlam, Canada
hmmm birthday list? lol well i JUST bought myself an mp3 player AND a digital camera...only to have money given back to me by my family who called me crazy for buying myself early bday presents lol besides surgery, and the stuff i just got, there isn't really anything else i want atm...i'd say a plane ticket to new zealand**bf there**, but i'm gonna wait another year or so =P buying clothes now seems pointless to feels so close...i don't want to spend money and then not be able to wear anything once i lose the THIS is hopeful thinking
Sarah Joy
on 3/1/05 11:05 am - Hawthorne, CA
Topic: RE: Immmm Baaaaccckkkk!!!!!
I didn't get the same surgery as you, so the only thing I can attest to is too much water... water should go right through, so I don't think you can OD on that... Glad you are feeling well!!
Sarah Joy
on 3/1/05 11:03 am - Hawthorne, CA
Topic: RE: Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
Sarah Joy
on 3/1/05 11:02 am - Hawthorne, CA
I've got a yahoo ID. seh_sarah feel free to use at any time. Hopefully you've had some sleep now!!!! So hey, other than surgery of course, what's on your bday list?? I want an MP3 player and maybe a flatscreen LCD for my house. then gift certs for clothes n' stuff
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