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Topic: I got a date/approved!!
I got the phone call today and insurance approved me. My date is scheduled for June 1st!! Now it is just the waiting game until the time comes. Do yall have any tips or suggestions to prepare for surgery date? what i should/should not do etc.?
Topic: RE: I am so excited
I am still pre-op so i cant tell you much... but i just wanted to say CONGRATS ON GETTING A DATE!!!
I am a tad jelouse since you just were approved and got a date so fast (i was approved back in september 04 and still no date- dr. is making me diet until i am under 300, and i started at 357)
Anyway, again... Congrats *throws confetti*

Topic: I am so excited
Hello family,
My name is Amanda and I am from the DC metro area. Today I found out I was APPROVED!!! !yay! I am so excited. I am 18 and will be have LAP RNY on May 23rd. Could of had a sooner date but I want to finish this semester in college.
~what do you use as far as protein drink? I know everyones taste buds are different but young people atleast have closer likings.
~what do you do at school as far as snacks and liquids?
~ when you are with your family for dinner what do you tend to do so you dont eat the wrong this or feel ockward (sp?)about it?
~What are some good thinks for the pureed stages?
If anyone would like to talk and become WLS support email me and talk or email me and then we can talk on AOL IM.
I am very excited and look forward to hearing from everyone. I have been a major lurker on the main board and teen board for the past 8 plus month meanwhile I was doing my 6 month supervised weight loss with the pcp for the inssurance company.
****Also any tips and suggestions are appreciated****

Topic: RE: MySpace...?
hey...what about a xanga site....
mine is

Topic: RE: Exercise
There are a few things you can start with at home. First, I wouldnt count out walking just yet. I have read many places that walking is the best way to lose weight. I think the jist of it is when a person only jogs or runs or works hard on a step or eliptical machine they burn off their blood sugar and do not burn much fat. Also, many people cant keep going at that pace for very long. With a steady slow walk for AT LEAST an hour or more your body isnt burning off that sugar its using the body's stores of energy (fat). You could go outside and walk around the neighborhood to do this. As far as weight training you can start with some of your cans of food that are in your pantry and work up to larger size cans and maybe even a 1/2 gal milk jug. Hope this helps!
P.S. as soon I loose some weight after surgery and my feet dont hurt after 10 steps I will be going to the gym and starting walking again.
Topic: RE: Exercise
Hey Shannon,
I've got a few ideas for you.
You may want to try some video tapes...many of the orders out there allow you to have a thirty day trial period, if you decide that you like it you can pay for it in installments. Or, just ask around to see if friends have some work out videos you can try. If that doesn't work...try looking at the goodwill and salvation army stores (they always have STUFF)! Anything cardio will help you out
, but be sure to find something around the house to help with your sculpting/toning (i.e. cans of food, bags of sugar/flour, etc.) for weight lifting. Finally, you can always lay on the floor and do crunches! Hope I've helped you out a little!

Topic: RE: Skin
I am roughly 8 months out and the skin is pretty bad, but i dont help with my lack of exercise (i just posted about that) but anyway, my b/f had the surgery and is scheduled for a tummy tuck on june 3rd, his isn't to bad but still enough that he complains. me on the other hand, i've got alot of excess skin already and it's sagging pretty bad, i've lost about 100 lbs. started at 366. *oh yeah, im 20 my b/f is 19).

Topic: Exercise
Ok so here is my ultimate question
I am 8 months out and have slacked on the exercise, I can't afford to go to a gym and haven't been able to afford keeping up at curves so my question for everyone willing to help, what do you guys do at home for exercise? I need some more ideas than just walking? I don't have the money to go out an buy weights and things like that right now. Anyone willing to help it's really really apreciated! I did this surgery for a reason and I need to get back into the swing of things.