do we lose faster??!
...I was wondering, do younger ppl lose the weight quicker than the older ones...I weigh 375
i kno itz embarassing..and my goal weight is between 140-150. It sure is a long way from where i am right you guys think i'd be able to do it?...i dunno...plz'll give me a insight of what expectations to have after surgery*..thanx

hey, from what i have researched and talked to people about, it is completely possible but i do not know about faster. it all depends on how well you stick to what you are supposed to do, really get the protein in, stick to the size of meals you are supposed to, drink all the water you are supposed to and be as active as you are supposed to. anyone i have talked to that has lost a lot of weight really quick took all of these things very seriously and those who loose it slower i sense that they didnt do all of these things. there are tons of teens on here who have lost a lot very quickly, just start looking and peoples profiles and reading thier blogs you will learn a lot like i did. good luck and take care
I don't think it is all about how fast you lose the weight...yah I'd love to lose all my weight tomorrow but that is impossible. It is a commitment...and if you stick to it I'm sure eventually you will lose the weight. But you have to be patient
I know how that is too...I hate waiting for anything....There are many perks in getting WLS as young as we are but we have to be ready for it mentally.....Anyways I wish you luck!!!

thankz guyz...thankz mom is just like old is ur daughter? in the same situation as ur daughter..we're almost at the point for the whole insurance approval..thatz the most frustrating part of everything...
anywayz..if ur daughter needz sum1 to talk to..i'd be more than happy to..thankz u guyz

I think it is easier to lose weight faster becuase we're young. Newly gained weight will slide right off! Working out will really make you lose wight fatser though, the hard thing is starting right? I started getting into it once i found out my surgery date, I want to have a routine going of exercising. I really like it now. I really do think you'll be able to do it but you have to put a little effort.

I would say if you are the typical young person you probably lose faster, because you go through several metabolism slowdowns in your 30's 40's and beyond. I lost 50 pounds dieting and exercising at age 34 and unlike with previous weight loss experiences, got completely exhausted. Someone told me it was probably the coinciding of a metabolism slowdown with decreased calorie intake.
Of course, MO people have special metabolisms and each person is different. I would say, just listen to the advice of your doctor and nutritionalist and forget about "how much" and "how fast". Get wrapped up in your new life holding on to the confidence that in two years, you are going to be much lighter.