any tips thank you
hi i really want to lose weight but i need some tips on how to do that i have tried a lot such as not eating, starving my self, trying to throw up, and excersize, nothing seems to work i either get sick or gain wweight can anyone tell me some tips that worked for them so i cna try thank you so much God bless you all!!!
on 12/5/05 3:57 am - burnsville, mn
on 12/5/05 3:57 am - burnsville, mn
starving yourself will help you lose weight, but its so bad for you. in the long run, your metabolism will get messed up and in the end you will have even a worse obesity problem. talk to a doctor, start and exercise and diet group at your school, join some support groups, and theres even meds out there your doc can prescribe. theres even psych therapy, camp shane, and a school in cali that is a weight loss boarding school!!!what ever you do, dont give up!!