Parents... *sigh*
So I am dieting/exercising on my own. I've averaged losing 5 lbs a week since I started. I had planned on walking in the beginning, but I haven't yet. I started, than it began to rain, and I started having knee problems. On a side note, I have had tendanitis (sp) in my knees since I was around 10 years of age. So walking was hurting them. I chose not to pursue it until I lose more weight. I am still losing weight.
Tonight I was sitting outside in evening sun and my mom asks "So have you been going for your walks?" I told her no. I than proceeded to explain WHY. She tells me "well, that is normal." Goes on to say how it's going to hurt for awhile until my body gets used to it How I just need to learn to work through it,etc. etc.
Am I wrong? I KNOW there will be some aches and soreness, but when it's to the point that the pain hurts so badly I can't sleep, or move? I started at 400 lbs, that ALOT of weight. If I am still losing weight, why can't I just continue until I am down to where it doesn't hurt so badly.
She doesn't understand being morbidly obese. She is so against me getting surgery, I sometimes just wanna scream at her and ask her if she wants me to die, or become so heavy I can't leave my house.
Sorry to vent here, it just makes me so sad and depressed. I am losing 5 freaking lbs a WEEK, I think that's great. Yet once again, it doesn't seem ot be enough for her....
I had the exact same problems...I still have them, being pre-op. I have knee and back problems as well. After speaking to many doctors, I found out that no amount of exercising/dieting will allow me to lose weight..because of PCOS and insulin resistance along with the combination of family history etc.
At first, my parents didn't understand a thing. We spent days fighting until I dragged them to see specialists with me and they all agreed my only chance of being healthy was this surgery. They're a bit better now, but it took a long time for them to understand what it was like. They didn't listen to me, it took my doctor's to convince them. If your mom doesn't understand, take her to an appointment with you. Do your research yourself, show her, and then sit her down for a talk with your pcp and see how she reacts after that. More likely than not, she'll start to see things a bit differently.
As for the exercise being hard, I know exactly how you feel...i'm in constant pain with my knee injuries, so I keep my exercise simple. I do knee and back exercises on days where I'm in too much pain to walk. I've been saying i'll try water aerobics for MONTHS and I haven't gone yet, but I will because I know that will be really good for my knees. Take it slow...whether u start by going for 5-10 minutes at a time, every little bit helps...gradually increase it as your body gets used to it. No one knows your body better than you, so take it at YOUR pace.
I've learnt to ignore my family when they try to talk to me like they know my body better...they don't. My doctors are happy with my progress, they agree with me...the main point is that you're trying, and you're building the habits to build stamina so you have a healthy outlook and smoother surgery should you decide to do that.
I hope things work out for you..all the best =)
msn: aleyah_bahleya@hotmail
YIM: [email protected]

Thanks Aleya,
I guess it just frustrates me so much because she acts as if she knows all about it. She is the type of person that thinks just getting up and doing it will cure everything. If you're sick, get up and go for a walk, if you have a headache, get up and mow the yard. I personally am easy with myself. Part of the frustration comes with having lived on my own for the past year and now moving back home because of finances. I am not dealing well!
I think you are doing a great job. I don't think it's a bad idea to wait until you've lost some weight before you walk. There's upper body exersizes you can do, but if you are losing at a rate you are happy with, you could put it off for a while. I don't know how far you've come, but you could probably consider walking at 300 lbs or something. Like you said, there will be some aches and pains that you do need to work through, but tendonitis definitely isn't one of them.
Lose your weight for yourself. You aren't losing weight for your mom, so don't let her thoughts on your progess get you down too much. Easier said than done I know, but you ARE doing great!