I've got a definite date!!!!!

Laura S
on 6/29/05 7:54 am - Carol Stream, IL
I talked to dr's office and they gave me a date, July !5th I was hoping I would have something next week so I could recover most the way over my summer break (I only have 2 and a half weeks off and it started today) but I am on the cancellation list so maybe I will get in sooner, anyhow my school said they can give me a medical seperation and I can come back whenever I am well enough. Laura
on 6/29/05 3:20 pm - Indianapolis (but at college in Evansville), IN
That is good news!!! I am happy for you. That is less than a week away!!!! I pray that everything goes well for you and that you heal very well. I am worried also because although I am getting the laparscopic gastric bypass done, I am getting it done pretty close to when fall semester starts and I don't want this process to interfere with my studies, you know? But anyhow, good luck and you are in my prayers and thoughts....... Finda Nessy
Laura S
on 6/30/05 1:04 am - Carol Stream, IL
I ment to type the 15th oops Thank you I wish you the best also, your surgery is coming up real soon too. My dr told me that I could go back to school 2 weeks after the surgery but I think I will probably take a month off since I want to try to get used to everything. I am really worried about throwing up and dumping while I am in school but we'll see what happens Laura
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