I'm Bad With Talking Openly
I've noticed that I can talk very openly to people on the internet because I don't have to talk face to face with them. But when I am talking face to face, the right things never come out of my mouth because I get really nervous all of a sudden. And I'm always forgetting things and not being able to speak what's on my mind because half the time, I dont know whats bothering me, I just know the topic of what's bothering me I just dont know how to explain it. Just like right now, I'm having a hard time trying to help people understand what's going on. Ooo, I get frustrated about it. Because I have to call and set up and appointment with my doctor, but I don't really know what to say to her. I mean like when I get there and stuff. I think I'm so worried about what she is going to think or if I will just not know what I am talking about and she will think I am uneducated even though I know what I'm talking about.........Does that make any sense? I don't know what to do to help remember more things...I don't have a very good vocabulary anymore...like when I tell someone a story, it's never as good as when it happend. I mean that may be the truth on any story. I don't know. I'm confusing. What to do.....what to do..............I NEED BRAIN JUICE! HYDRATE ME! (laughs)
Howdy!!! Well I know EXACTLY how you feel. It was like you were describing me! lol. I do have one suggestion about talkin to your doctor. Do what I did...write a letter explaining anything and everything you know about that surgery: pros and cons, risks, results, life changes, and how you feel about it. Explain what your life has been like while being overweight. I gave it to my doctor...he read it, and said "you don't need to say anymore...your letter explained it perfectly." So that should solve your anxiety of talking face to face. Besides, it looks really good if the doctor sends that letter to insurance. Even though my insurance didn't pay, it's still a plus for them to see the letter. It proves alot of stuff to them. Well...I hope I helped you out a little bit!!! Good luck!
Maggie, I know exactly what you are talking about! I had those same issues too! Everything came out wrong and nothing made sence. I guess I had trouble with it maybe since I was 14 and then after high school and I joined the working world with ADULTS it went away (i'm 23 now and had rny on 5/4/05). I cant entirely speak for you but I know that for me it came from being outcast and made fun of and beat up since I was 8. Thats when the genetics took over and I became an overweight child. When you throw puberty and high school popularity into it everything gets scrambled. I think it has to do with saying something in the past in front of someone or a group of people and being made fun of and pointed at because of it. It will get better, try talking to a close friend on the phone for hours as practice or your parents or try writing out what you want to say. And maybe you can talk weird as I call it and find a few people who actualy understand everything that you say and mean and they talk weird too! I have found a few friends like that as well. Just remember that you dont have to get nervous about talking to adults and professionals like in the Dr office, I have never had an adult make fun of me unless I start laughing at myself for stuttering or saying something like "how do you SMELL your name?"