hello :)
Hey everyone...haven't been around here in a while, but I was browsing and thought I'd post a little check in...
I'm currently down about 65 lbs in about 3 months...getting frustrated because I've been feeling hungry constantly, but I'm trying to deal with it and not eat...
Been working out 2-3 times a week for an insane amount of time at the gym and I actually enjoy it a lot.
My boobs are deflating...it's really sad. But otherwise, a lot of the time I don't really notice a difference from before surgery...which I know isn't true, because I'm down to a size 18 from a size 28, and I have a medium shirt that fits me. But I look in the mirror and I look at my skin and I still see the 360lb me. I'm 270 now...but it just makes me realize just how far I have to go. Makes me ashamed to see how far I let myself go, too.
But things are getting better, and I feel awesome most of the time. My friends are massively supportive and talk me out of my slumps most of the time.
How is everyone else doing?

CONGRATS on your success so far. I always like to read about post ops (i am still pre op). Seriously, I would do anything to be where you are in your weight loss right now! WAY TO GO!
Eh, i am about to be candid: i am a tad nervous about the chest deflation as well... mainly, the skin. If you dont mind me asking you (or any other youngish post op who might read this) is there a bad skin issue?
I am 24 and started at 357 (now 315) but i am only 5'4"- i know everyones bodies are different and all, but how eleastic has the skin been? Is it any better if you excersize or is that a myth???
Well, thanks for letting me pry a bit... and again, whoooo hoooo on your loss so far.
Hey there,
Exersize helping the skin really is a myth. If you think about it, the skin isn't a muscle, so exersize doesn't 'work' it. Elasticity of the skin has more to do with genetics, water intake, and stretch marks. The stretch marks are essencially scar tissue, and not very elastic.
I'm 23, and I've lost about 40 lbs so far. I also noticed that my boobs deflated up front. They are still in the same cup size though some how. I still have about 90 lbs to go, but based on how things are falling, I'm going to guess that I'm going to want a lower body lift, and a breast lift when I'm done. I'm exersizing trying to keep from needing to have my arms done. I read about a lady that did a lot of weight training and didn't need any additional surgery, but she was much more muscular than I'd want to be. So we'll see how my arms turn out.
Good luck

I think it's hard to say for me right now. I haven't lost completely (or even half way) in any area what I hope to lose. Like I still have my belly bulge, even though it's going down. But I do notice in my chest the skin issues...as in, I'm able to pinch the skin and have the skin stay up...it's all wrinkley and whatnot. I think it's absolutely disgusting, and I think that I will definitely be getting a tummy tuck and breast reduction/lift if I ever want to feel totally good about myself.
I'll be able to tell you more as I continue. I'm only 3 months out as it is, and have at the very least another 100 lbs to lose. I exercise 3 or 4 times a week right now, and I can't say I notice as much of a difference yet.