Need Support...
Hello everyone. My name is Brandi, I am 18 yrs from Texas. I am new to this message board but found it searching. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or tips for gastric bypass. My mom AND sister have both had it done and are doing great. I started to notice as i even mention it to friends the comments and remarks i get back like "why are you doing that" or "you dont need that". They are saying them because I do not look like my weight. I was just wondering if any of yall had to deal with this and had some tips. It does not bother me that much because they do not see the "behind the scene" stuff but i was just wondering. Also, I go for my consultation April 7.
Hi brandi... and welcome *throws confetti*
First of all, my name is mary, and i am still pre-op. I am 24...
Second, let me tell you- this journey has taken so much courage for me so far, so i am sure that is the same for many people. I have only told a few close friends and they even have said somethings to me... mainly questions about why i am choosing this. Often times I get "but you are so young" and thats right: I NEED TO NIP THE PROBLEM IN THE BUD BEFORE IT GETS ANY WORSE.
I have dieted before and still am morbidly obese. I need help, and even though i thought many times I could diet and loose it on my own, I can not. I have accepted this surgery as something that will help me help myself.
The only person who should decide if this is right for you is yourself, with the guidence of a doctor.
Good Luck!