Im 15 going on 16 and i was wondering if any one has had the surgery at this young age. im 278lbs.
Even over the years i ahve tryed my diets and excersize programs from my doctor and stayed on them for long peroids of time and not one have work. I just want to be healthy and happy with myself. Another reason why is because my aunt who i am just like (body wise) died at the age of thirty because she was so over weight she died of a heart attach in her sleep and i dread every day when i have to go to sleep becasue i might not wake up that is why i am so dedicated to find a doc. to help me become healthy and happy not just for me but so my family can see me every morning
Please help me SAMANTHA MARRS
Hey....I am 16 and had surgery on August 3...i think that it would be a great idea...i have lost 77bls...and i feel great...but believe me...this sint just going to solve all your problems...it gets really hard!!!...but completely worth it if you ask me...just don't lose sight of yourself...thats been really hard with me...trying to find who i am again....i went to Dr. Felix in Fresno...1-888-555-THIN....they also have a support group.... groups.msn.com/thefelixsupportgroup/ you should check it out... drop me an email sometime! [email protected] also, my AIM is xxletsxmakeoutxx
Hey Samantha,
Im in the exact same position as you. Well almost exact. I am 16 years old, and today in fact I'm starting to see if I can get the surgery. My mom is calling the insurance company today to see if they would cover any of the surgeries...I havent made up my mind on which I really want to go with, I want the RNY Gastric Bypass, because its been known to have longer affects and better results, but then, I thought maybe it would be better to get a Lap Band....but we'll see i have more researching to do, you can e-mail me anytime, on here or my other e-mail is [email protected] Good Luck!
*-Maggie-* P.s Everyone on here is really supportive and caring, dont be afraid to talk to them.