Happy New Year and Q!!!
Hi everyone!!! Im wishing you BEST of luck! Weather your a pre-op trying to get surgery, or a post-op trying to lose weight! Lets make this a Loser year!!!!! What are your resolutions?!?! Mine are...
#1-Join Curves
#2-Get down to 150 pounds (right now im 271)
#3-Remember to take all of my vitamins and calcium everyday
#4-Get more protein in
#5-be more patients with others
#6-Stop eating so many of the wrong foods
What are yours?!?!?!?!?!?
post-op DS 11-5-04
Hey Amy!....My BMI is 41 right now. I have my consultation appointment with Dr. Robert Cole on January 7th! It's coming so soon!
My New Years resolutions are:
Do whatever it takes to get this surgery.
Get this surgery before summer.
Become more active.
Start eating healthier, and get my hubby and daughter(2) on tract with their eating.
Start taking my iron pills.(I'm lacking energy)
I can't think of anymore right now. Can you tell I have this surgery on the brain? I can't get it off, and I don't think I will be able to concentrate on anything else until its done and over with!
on 1/1/05 7:29 am - burnsville, mn
on 1/1/05 7:29 am - burnsville, mn
mine are:
1-have nothing do wrong with my surgery
2- get an earlier surgery date
3 lose 100lbs in 4 months after surgery with diet and exercise(wish me luck..lol...its gonna be tough)
4-have lose 100lbs by 6months if it wasnt done in 4
5-be less angry at my mom about not taking me out of willmar when i pleaded and begged(thats a mental hospital for the severly depressed)
6-prove to people im ready for surgery
7-do this surgery right!!!
8-get more people to join my teens weight loss surgey groups
well thats all for now!!thanxs for posting such a great thing amy!!
lots of luv,
aim/aol sn blitzbabe0053
email [email protected]
if you want to join my teen weight loss surgery group if you are looking into,researching,had,or having teen weight loss surgery and are under the age of 22 please email me!!!thanxs
we have lots of memebrs!!!
Here goes ~
-join a dang gym! I had surgery 6 months ago and I really need to get going on this....
-seek some form of therapy for my head issues
-get my finances under control, and be wiser about my spending
-get in the habit of keeping my house clean (and kicking my boyfriends butt to help)
-give my poor car an oil change
If I can do those things this year I'll be a happy camper.
- Eat what I'm supposed to and stop whining about not being able to eat my comfort foods. On that note...
- Find other ways to deal with stress and boredom that don't involve eating.
- Find things to do with friends that don't involve going out to eat...
- Work out at least 3 times a week once I get back to school, and walk more around campus.
- Be healthy.
- Keep not smoking.
- Do more schoolwork and less partying...should be better now that I can't drink, haha.
- Get a job and save money for my year abroad.