please join my wls teen group
on 12/9/04 10:40 am - burnsville, mn
on 12/9/04 10:40 am - burnsville, mn
hey there everyone. im going to have weight loss surgery on april28th 2005 through dr.buchwald at the university of minnesota hospital. i was wondering if anyone could email me about there experiances and we can keep in touch. and you can join my group if your having had or going to have wls. its this Join teens and weight loss surgery
MSN Groups
or you can join my yahoo group teens weight loss surgery. you can email me at [email protected]
and if that msn thing doesnt work its
lots of luv,
meghan andresen
p.s. my stats are 364lbs and 5'4.5 and oal weight is 140lbs
I'm Kim, I had WLS June 2,2004.
I'm 40 years old.
So far I lost 90lbs
,my doughter,Ashley is 15 and 350lbs 5'8". and my surgern said she can't do it on any one under 18 years old. We live in Indiana . I've heard some other states will do it , like Ohio.
What state , do you live in?

on 12/21/04 11:08 pm - burnsville, mn
on 12/21/04 11:08 pm - burnsville, mn
hey kim. i bet i can help you find a surgeon. im very good at that. i know of lots of hidden sites that have surgeons listed. if you tell me how far your willing to travel and to where i can find someone to do the ds.well i hope this helps and she should join my weight loss surgery group. i think shed like it. well email me back adn i will get hegr email addy adn send her and invite to both of them. and she can feel free to invite any teens or parents of teens who are getting weight loss surgery or had or looking into it. well ttyl