11 Days Post Op and Scared
*hugs to my beautiful lisa*
Hey sweetheart! I just want you to know I am thinking about you, and reading your post today, you're ok. The way you are feeling is so normal it's not even funny. I still have those days that I just cry over everything! Don't worry about your food intake honey, just go easy, and for the first little while stay with softer foods, it really does help. and DRINK YOUR WATER!
i love you honey
I am gonna send you an e-mail with my cell number, it's on 24/7 so if you EVER need anything, or you have a question, don't hesitate to call me k?

You are too good to me! You have been through so much of this with me. I feel like I've known you forever. It helps to hear somebody tell me Im gonna be okay that really knows me
By the way I hope you know we are still gonna take that cruise! You need to send me an email and tell me whats going on with you and that bf of yours. How have ya been? Anyway, I'll write more in an email.TTYL.
Love, Lisa

Sorry, but i just looked at your profile to get an idea of what's been going on and YOU NEED TO UPDATE. Even though everyone knows you it seems like you may want to look back at it in a few months or even years to remember how you were feeling at this point. i just updated mine the other day just so i can look back when i dont remember something
Love ya, Lisa