Surgery Is TOMORROW! Ack.. Like 12 hrs away.
Ok, so I know this is going to be .. like one of the best things to happen in my life.. but, im really really scared...
Blah. Terrified actually.
But, I just tell my family I'm fine, and I'm completely content...
Otherwise, everyone is stressed and screwed up.
Maybe they will give me something for my nerves in the morning...
Cause at this rate, im going to run away before they get me on the table.
I took some ugly horrible pics today, of like... everything, eww... thank God Brittany loves me... thongs and spaghetti straps are not meant for me... but, I think it will be motivation and inspiration afterwards.
I don't know what will be more painful.. the operation, or having to look at those pictures. Haha, I'll let u all know.
I got on the scale today, and was down a few more pounds... so right now, I'm happily down 20 and a few odd pounds since I saw the docter last.
Sooooo, anyways, I don't even think ne one will read this or reply... and I'm not close to anyone on here so... who knows.. but theres a few of u who email me and care... I guess ill be seeing u in a few days...
Otherwise, ohh darn, something went wrong, but... I'm ok :D
haha.. really though, thanks for the support and talking... now, its up to the doc. and God for tomorrow. Take Cares.
I'm Off...
*Some Prayers
would be lovely though, thanks!*