blah! :p
Hey Guys an Gals,
So I am officially 1 month post-op. It's been a struggle, and I had quite the crying experiance lastnight. Luckily, Tony (my boyfriend) was with me lastnight. he says I'll be fine, i just have to give it time. Tony had the surgery just over 2 years ago, and he makes me sick :P he can eat anything and everything he wants and I just want to hurt him sometimes when he pulls out his candy bars an his soda...BLAH ON HIM! (I love you sweetie pie) anyway, I guess overall at this point, I miss soda...not just any soda..but orange soda damnit! haha that was always my fav, especially when it's that time of the month. Soda is supposed to be a no-no after surgery, but I guess Tony's doesnt listen, actually i know he anyway, he says I have to wait at least another month or two and then he will let me try it. LOL, he's so funny when he's being protective, but he's awesome. Anyway, I guess on the bright side, I went from a size 28/30 jeans to a COMFORTABLE size 24. Not bad for a month out huh?
how about this? our 2 year anniversary (tony an i) is on Tuesday (he's got meetings on tuesdays tho) so we are going out tonight, he won't tell me what, he won't tell me where we're going...nothing...but I am going to guess it's got something to do with going to dinner...which means he'll spend money on food neither of us will eat very much of :P but at least we can split a still have left overs :p
anyway enough of my rambling for now :p hope everyone is fact...someone reply to this :p no one ever loves me :P Hahaha
I know how you are feeling... I think everyone who has this surgery goes thru it during the early months. One thing about your boyfriend's behavior is from what you posted he seems like he is trying to saboatage the surgery, he knows that you can't have soda and how difficult it is for you to be around it but he still brings it around. When I was going thru the early months after the surgery I was dating a guy just like this would bring candy or pizza or whatever just to spite me. Well once just to show him why I can't have food like this I had a couple bites of the pizza and let him see how it physically effected me (ran to the bathroom and dry heaved for 10 minutes) it was a extreme way to get the point across but sometimes you have to show people instead of just telling them.
Hi this is her boyfriend in responce to your message. I am not trying to sabatoge her surgery as i have had it myself. Unfortunatly for you and her you had more restrictive surgery i had a duodenal switch roux n y so i still have a jujenum (The absence of this part of the stomach causes dumping i do not get it) wich allowes me to have a MUCH MUCH less restrictive diet and am allowed to eat and can eat anything i want to as long as it is in proportion. My dietition knows i drink soda and though it is frowned upon has never said anything in an attempts to stoping me. I am simply following the guidlines i was given for what i belive to be a much superior surgery than the basic gastric bypass. Just wanted to clear that up btw im 2 years POST OP and have been stable with my Sabatogical (unsure if thats a real word but might as well be a bit of a smart ass about it) diet for 8 months at 175.
YAY FOR ME Good luck to you

Well if you understand that the procedure she underwent is more restrictive than yours and by bringing those foods around that it's going to temp her to wanting to have some then if she does and it makes her sick then why eat that food around her? Its called consideration and maturity. If you care about someone you want to help not hinder. You're right it might not effect your diet because of the procedure you underwent. But don't you feel bad if she took a sip of soda and then got sick and the only reason she took a sip is cause you were drinking some? I know she's "an adult" and she can make the decision what to eat or not. But as you probably know since you've had surgery that surgery does not away the "wanting" of certain foods. im not by any means saying you're a bad guy.
Ok now I feel the need to intervien. I in no way stated that he was inconsiderate or that he was imiture. I suppose for a person who does not know me, or him for that matter it could seem that way. What I had to say was in part a joke, but I am not easily influenced, and by stating that he makes me sick, was purely a statement, a figure of speech. My boyfriend is more considerate, and protective than any other man on this planet. If i have a problem with something he eats in front of me I voice it, and he leaves the room, or puts it up until I am gone. I am sorry you had a bad experiance with someone when you made the decision to "show" him what it would do to you, it is called will power and self control, something i excercise often.