Two Weeks of H#%&... Who Does This!!? Ack.
Ugh... So I started my two week pre-op diet today....
All the people I talk to didn't have to do this, but ohh well.
I should be thankful I'm having surgery... it's just... these
shakes are GROSS! ughhhh. They all taste like chalk after the first
few swigs, and I have a weak stomach... so, I tried to chug it down and
HOLD it down lol... ew.
All I can have is the shakes for my protein, and sugar free pospicles, jello, and broth. Eww, FUN! I might end up venting here a lot in the next few days... because I think I'm gonna hurl...
I don't know how to NOT have an upset stomach with em.... I would rather starve for 2 weeks than have to get in this protein...
Buttttt this is what I have to do, I don't want my liver to be in the way.... even though not everyone has to do this, so its crap! hehe.
My surgeon has everyone do it though. Ok, im done for now.
I'm gonna go with a friend to shop right now.. THERES some motivation for me lol....
Hope everyone is doing good, take care of urself!
Bye bye.

I'm drinking a few different kinds.... but they are all SOOO gross after
a few sips... this is day two now, and I'm so blahh....
I really should have had some wonderful dinner or something, the night before i started this.. but I didnt.. and im hunnngry...
Now today, it's not even the issue of not being able to eat what I want, it's just that im really hungry... my tummy is growling... so I know its not me! lol.
Anyways, ohh well, I guess I'll be on day 3 soon enough.
Thanks for the response :D
I had a pre-op diet. I was on it for a little more then a month. The surgeon told me I had to lost at least 20lbs before I could have the surgery. The pre-op diet was consisted of a protein shake for breakfest and lunch, then a very small "meal" for dinner, and a protein shake after dinner. It was hard but It was worth it. Keep it up Danielle, it will pay off in the long run.