Info Session!!!
Amy Im not being *****y... U coming out here telling people what the worst type of surgery is and yet your still pre-op. WHO IS EVERYONE AMY??? Your a child!!! That's my opinion. U obviously swallowed a I KNOW EVERYTHING PILL.. but the facts are each surgery is different. I rather have something I can take out instead of having my insides rearranged.. so if U have a complication can your stomach go back to normal??? and if your pouch stretches can it be adjusted??? Hm.. I think not. Sweet heart there is pro's and con's to every surgery. One isn't betta than another. Sorry if you think Im being *****y I am stating facts... I have the band and I LOVE IT... u on the other hand have over 2 weeks to go before you can comment on any type of surgery. You are being a little too ****y DEAR so I had to put u in your place!!!!
i think everyone needs to take there panties out of a bunch lol just playing ( i hope noone jumps down my throat for that) ok im just coming in as a mediator... so dont kill me lol..... BOTH of u are right..... Yes lap band is VERY safe AND reversable BUT has a much lower success rate that any other bariatric surgery so it all depends on how willing th eperson is to commit to a diet in order to keep the weight off but YES U CAN GAIN THE WEIGHT BACK ON ANNNNNYY SURGERY LAP BAND RNY OR DS , WHATEVER IT MAY BE...... as far as ds and rny and all the other including lap band its everyones personal descision ... this site is designed for support not for anything else so lets just be supportive and forget everything else!!!.....P.S. NO NEED FOR NAMES GUYS!!! LOL I SOUND LIKE A MOMMY DONT I I GUESS THATS WHY IM LIKE THE OLDEST ONE HERE LOL ..... no but seriously i dont like to see this arguing so cut it out!!

I will definately have to side with Jenn on this one, you are all acting childish. The lap-band does have a less success rate, and it can be reversed, but so can the rest, there is a reason they leave the stomach inside during the RNY, if there are complications they can reverse it. No one has any rights here to say who's surgery is better and who's isnt...I had the RNY an my boyfriend had the DS, an we are both doing wonderful. there are risks with any WLS, and there are possibilites of failure in all surgerys, it depends on the person an how the person treats there new stomach. Although I personally do not like the idea of the band, that's my own opinion, but i am not going to tell anyone its wrong or a mistake. I just want to congradulate everyone on their chosen method of WLS.