Already Have My Surgery Date, WOW.
Ok, So I've known about my surgery date for about a week now...
But it all is going SO fast, and I had a few tests to do, and just had my pre op... so now I can officially say.. YES, I have my date.
October 14th!!!!
I can't believe it... the bariatric program I go through... has EVERYONE do a 14 day diet before surgery... My surgeon wants of course, for the liver to shrink down with everyone... so... okay then... here goes hell.
I'm not worried about cheating, I mean, I can have STRONG will power for ... maybe 12 days haha... lets hope for 14...
But, I'm just worried about getting too weak, or feeling sick before surgery... and, these shakes aren't cheap! geeeez.
Now I just need to find my happy place haha... and not be sooo nervous, scared... blah.. I HATE hospitals and doctors, and all this... and its all so new... I just hate not knowing situations and surroundings like this... and not knowing how I will react, feel... all that. I'm scurred!
But anyways, I'm going to go now... new to all this board and site stuff...
So HI to everyone :D
Hope you all are doing well... let me know if your post-op, pre-op, no op hehe... and anything your going through or could suggest. Thanks!
Hey Danielle! Congrats on your date! I'm 4 months post op, and let me tell you, WHATEVER you have to go through before hand is SO worth it for the rewards to come! If you want to talk (or need a reason to avoid food for the 14 days before surgery), email me! I can give u my AIM too if you want! Be sure to keep us all updated on how u r doing!
CONGRATS girl!!!
that's GREAT!!!! wow october 14th will be here before you know it. let us know how everything turns out. i'm having my surgery in january i'm curious as to what other people go through....again...CONGRATS girl...and i'm wishing you TONS (no pun intended) TONS OF GOOD GOOD LUCK!!!!!