Hi! I'm new...also a question
I'm not exactly a teenager ( I'm 22), but I think I might relate a little better with everyone in here
My question is what kind of parental support do you guys have? I just graduated from college and I haven't been able to find a job yet, so I'm still living at home. Though I'm actively looking for a job, I'm still going ahead with my plans for WLS because I'm covered by my father's insurance until I'm 23 (which is a little less than a year, my birthday was two weeks ago). So obviously my parents would be helping me financially. My other issue is my mother. She is 100% against me having surgery. She is in the group of people that think it's the easy way out
. She almost refuses to learn anything about it because she's so against it. My best friend had RnY last October and my mother seems to think this is the only reason I'm interested in surgery. Nevermind the fact that I weigh 370lbs
. So I want to know how you talked to your parents about surgery and how they feel about it. Thanks.

Hey Nakia! Welcome to the board!!! I'm 19, and had surgery in May. When I first approached my parents about the surgery, they were shocked, but as I started doing the research and showing them my findings, they began to realize that I NEEDED this surgery. I also began to tell them many of the daily struggles that I faced (not being overweight themselves, they had never realized how much I had been through). After a few months, and after they realized that I would be going through with the surgery with or without their support, they backed me up 100%, even scheduling appointments and jumping through insurance hoops while I was in college. I think if you approach your mother with your research and the reasons YOU want this surgery, she will be more likely to be supportive.
Hi Jennifer
! I've been researching the surgery since before my friend had it, and my mother still isn't too keen on it. I did finally manage to talk her into going to the information session with me on Sept. 28th. Like you mentioned about your parents, my mother has never had a severe weight problem. Right now she's like 30-40lbs. overweight and that the heaviest she's ever been (except for when she was pregnant). So I think you're right that she doesn't understand what I'm going through. My mother says they typical things to me like "why don't you just stop eating, just exercise..." I'm sure you know the drill. Well thanks for your support, and I hope you're doing well and losing lots of weight

Hey, I am sorry to hear about your situation. I am 21 years old. My mother had the surgery done last year and I am hoping to have it done soon. I meet with the surgeon on Friday so hopefully I will get a date. I think that your mother does not want you to have WLS because she does not understand. If only there were a way to make her understand why you are doing this. But trust me after your operation when you are at home and she can see you go through this process it will change her opinion. I was not sure about it until I watched my mother go through it. Once you have it done your mother will see that this is not an easy thing to do, but in fact it takes a lot of courage and strength to do to this. I will keep you in my prayers and I pray that your mother comes around before you have the surgery.