Hello! Delo!
Im 17 and Im hoping to have surgery soon! Is there anyone my age who has had it? give me an email please! mine is [email protected]
Hey chica, are you having trouble sleeping? Any back problems? Any gas reflux, heartburn? Depression? If so, then you ain't healthy and you need to smack your doc! Personally, I'd say that's a no-no, but I think you catch my drift Heck, if you even get headaches they can be caused by being heavy... don't ask me, that's what my surgeon said!! Anyway I'm 21 now but I thought I'd share anyway.. post op 1 year and down 130 lbs. It feels GOOOOOD! Oh, and if you're thinking of having insurance pay for it, the best thing I can tell you to do is CALL THEM EVERY DAY and bug, bug, bug them. They got so tired of me calling that they approved me pretty quickly, and I was pretty "healthy."