trying to find the balance
I'm in the same situation too. I was really worried about my financianal aid and all that but I decided to take the Fall semester off and pick up in the spring and summer, then go straight through. The financial aid people said I should go ahead and fill out my FAFSA and what I don't use this semester would carry over, this way the financial aid peeps are happy. I am also doing this because my Dr. is about 3 hours away so for any appointment with him would be another day missed, on top of my recovery period, it is just smarter for me to take some time so I can focus on school like I need to when I do return.
I am enrolled at a local junior college here close to me, Mt. San Jacinto College. I am taking Bookkeeping, Foods and Nutrition, Psycology 101 and Health (something like that) lol, you can generally find online courses or hyrbrid or 1 day a week depending on the school. Hope this helps, email me back if u have any more questions