Surgery tomorrow
Well tomorrow at 9:30am, I have to be at the hospital for my lap ryn. I'm so nervous! But I know that this is truly what is best for me. I'm thankful for all of the friends and family, along with all of the great friends, support and knowledge I've gained here. Thank you all so much! So if you have a little extra time tomorrow, feel free to send some positive energy my way...I could use it! :D
Ill be praying everything goes as planned!!! congrats and you're almost to the other side!!!! 
AIM: TexasCuddleBug17
E-Mail: [email protected]

Good Luck! I can't wait till I'm there with you. I have faith that all will go well for you, and I'm sure you'll have a healthy recovery. I've been saving this till my surgery, but you know how you cant eat anything before surgery, or for a day after, here's what I'm waiting to say when I have surgery.. "I'm not going to eat today, and I won't eat tomorrow.... cuz I'm ganna be a super model!" hehe... I hope that made you smile. A new life awaits. Good Luck
I'll be thinking of you.
Good luck! I didn't know there was a forum for younger people that are having the surgery. I'm 22 and I'm hoping to have the surgery this summer. My consult with my doctor is May 20... so we'll see. Mari, I am an elementary education major as well. All I have left is my student teaching! It's a great field... I absolutely love it.