New member to the group
Hey everyone,,my name is Candace and Im 17 years old.I have been struggling with my weight all my life.I cant remember a time in my life when I wasnt overweight.Only recently did I start thinking about having WLS.I always thought before I got THAT big Id lose weight.But now at 17 and 300lbs, I realise this may be the only way I will be able lose the amount of weight I need to lose.I was wondering if there was any other teens on this site that are my age or lives near Mississippi.Im just looking for some friends who I can talk to who knows what its like to be obese.I have talked to many adults about this surgery and though they understand where Im coming from I want to know what a teen thinks about having this surgery.And the changes it makes to the rest of our lives.So anyone who would like to talk to me my email is [email protected]. I would appericate all replys. Thanks,
Hi Candace! Welcome to the board! I am not a teen (22) but feel that I can relate more to this board then any other board.
I think it is wonderful that young people can get the surgery now. I am still pre-op so I don't know what a life changing event this can be first hand but I am banking on a pretty big life change here. I am looking forward to the ups and downs to this surgery because I know in the end it will be worth it to me. I was an overweight child and teen so I know exactly how you feel! There are some wonderful people on this board and some pretty big sucess stories. I think you will enjoy this board and learn alot I know I have.

Heya Candace
Welcome!!! I am sure there's got to be someone on this board close to you! if not you still have the rest of us!
AIM: tigerspinkin
E-mail : [email protected]
you can hit me up anytime!!
with love

Hey welcome to the board... Im close in age with you, I just turned 18 on March 5th...and from TX. Im currently at 270lbs and wanting to have the surgery... if you want to talk my email is [email protected] and my AIM is TexasCuddleBug17... good luck deciding on the surgery / getting the process started!!

Hi! I'm an 18 year old, female, living in the Buffalo/Rochester area of New York. I just joined this board, so I can't help you with what it's like post-op...actually, I have the exact same concerns as you.
I've been fat since childhood, it has only gotten worse. I'm 5'8, 285lbs. It's such an overwhelming amount to lose, I've been struggling for years, and I just know that surgery is my last hope. I'm afriad of what it will be like after surgery. If i'll miss the comfort of food too much, if i'll be sick all the time, etc.
It's such a huge change, but the energy will be there, and the results will come quickly--which will make it even more encouraging. Energy is my biggest problem. I have none. There's so much I want to do, if only I had the energy to get myself together. Most of my family supports me in WLS decision, except my older sister who is VERY skeptical. Which troubles me, because I value her reasoning more than anyone elses. So far i've signed up for the seminar. I guess i'll have to see from there.