Where is everyone in their WLS journey
Hi I'm Stacy I'm 20 years old and right now I'm waiting on my insurance to give me the go ahead for surgery. I'm hoping to have laparoscopic WLS in late June, and so far so good. I'm praying that I get approved, I had to have an approval from my insurance just to see a wls surgeon, it wouldn't make since that they would approve me to see a surgeon and then give me trouble. (I'm trying to stay as positive as possible.)
To help me I already saw a psychologist and printed up my weight loss attempts for the last 10 years of my life including height weight age and programs I tried. I hope that helps them see that I'm exhausted with dieting and nothing has worked so I need a life change, and besides my mom had the surgery don't they see that fat genes run in the family? Anyway..... I'm glad that you are on the path to a better you with the rest of us. Good luck on your journey!!!
Take Care

Stacey - Good Luck with the waiting process I will be praying for you. Sounds like you have done everything you need to do. Well at least insurance approved you to see a surgeon, that is a good sign. Keep me posted!
Jenny D - WOW! 154 lbs. that is wonderful. Congratulations! I hope you get the panniculectomy (what exactly is that?), I will be praying for you as well. I see that you are a fellow marylander! How old are you? I will be seeing Dr. Averbach. Keep me posted!
hey marianne! i had gb last year on may 20, 2003. since then i've lost 154 lbs!!!! now, i'm waiting for my insurance company to approve the panniculectomy i need. they denied me the first time b/c they say it's cosmetic, but it's NOT!!!!! so, we're appealing it, just waiting for the letter to come in! i hope everything goes smoothly for you!!!!!! good luck!!!!!! email me anytime!!!!!!
email: [email protected]
sn: right on AF or NIRVANA0327
hey again! i'm 19 years old. i had my gb with Dr. Lin at George Washington University Hospital in D.C. i'm hoping to have the panniculectomy with Dr. Lenert at the same hospital sometime soon. well, i started out huge, so i have a lot of extra skin and fat around my stomach that is causing problems with my skin from my weight loss this far. a panniculectomy will remove most of it so i will be able to function again! it's just one of those things that goes along with the weight loss (though, not everybody has to have it done). after my panniculectomy, i'll be able to start exercising again (i can't wait!) so i can finish losing the weight! i just got a letter from my insurance company saying that they recieved my appeal letter and will contact me within 30 days with their decision... talk to you soon!!!!!!
Hey Im 18 and trying to convince my mom that i really do want wls done... Im currently at 270-275lbs depending on the day..so far supposedly my insureance wont cover it... Ive contacted Bariatric Treatment Center for more information..2 family friends have had this surgery and are greatful each day that they did.... hopefully ill get my chance soon...
Good Luck with convincing your mom! Luckily my mother had this surgery 2 years ago or she would think I'm crazy too! My mom does not want me to get it either though, she said that I am going to be sick all the time. All I know is that I want to be healthy and look good for years to come.
You are 18 and old enough to make your own decisions. I hope things work out for you. Keep me posted.