Curious on which surgery would be best!!! and a couple more questions
Hello friends,
I am 22 years old and have been researching WLS for about 6 months. Gastric bypass I think is the best for me, because I weigh 302lbs and have been over weight my whole life, and I am ready for the change after trying all the diets in the world. So which WlS is the best?
I love food and I am willing to do anything to be 'normal' thin and be a healthy teacher someday and play with my students. How long do u really need to be off work to get a full recovery. I have read all the questions and everyone answers and this is a great support system. I am SOOO GLAD that I FOUND this group of beautiful ladies. If anyone ever wants to email me @ [email protected] I would love to have new friends.
Love, Nicole

Hey Nicole! I'm still a pre-op, but I think that when deciding which WLS is best, it's kind of on a person to person basis. Personally, I'm having a RNY Gastric Bypass, because that seems to be the best way to go for me, but I've also heard good things/bad things about each of them. As for the work issue, I think again this is a personal thing. I've heard everywhere from several weeks to several months, so I couldn't tell you. Both of these questions would be excellent for your surgeon. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!