on 6/21/08 6:59 am - UK
hi im 17 and trying and faling to lose weight im 13stone at the moment and im aiming for 8 stone by the end of the year ive tried alsorts of diets and i joined weigh****chers and realy just wasted my money i swim two days a week intensly and do various othe things aswell why cant i keep the weight iff the only way i seem to be able to lose the weiight is to not eat at all   
Tom Inge, MD
on 7/7/08 8:46 pm - DENVER, CO
There has been alot written about weight loss and keeping it off. Your problem is not unique, and some people (even teens) have been successful. Some of the habist of successful people are

1. monitor your intake and "track"it somehow. Make it fun. Try a website like sparkpeople or fitday!

2. Eat breakfast everyday.

3. Get 30-60 minutes of physical activity per day. Not "exercises" per se, just move! Get a pedometer to wear and have a goal of 10,000 steps per day!

4. Watch not only how much you eat, but what you eat. Don't eat white bread or vegetables. Eat whole grain products, and colorful vegetables. More color usually means better quality carbohydrate is in there!

5. Look at the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contents of what you are eating. AVOID HFCS!

6. Get about 60-90 gram of high quality protein per day. It can help keep hunger pangs down.

7. Get involved in group activities so that you get support from other trying to do something about their weight!

All the best to you. You will do fine, because you are asking all the right questions.

Tom Inge MD

Thomas Inge, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics

Director, Adolescent Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (

Principal Investigator, Teen-LABS (

Children's Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado, Denver

[email protected]

Executive Assistant:

Karen Warnock

Phone: (720) 777-3179

[email protected]

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