What have I done to my child? - Looking or YOUR perspective
Shelley J.
Clinton, MS
Time, is the moment that lasted forever, and the day that disappeared............

I can tell you right now. I am a 13 yo girl who weighs 170 lbs. Sometimes I wish my parents would've told me when to stop, how much to take, etc. But I realized, they only cared about me and didn't want to hurt my feelings. When I was about 11, I remember going to a physical and when they told me I was 130 lbs., it really hit me that I needed to lose the weight. My dad wants me to eat less, and my mom wants me to excersize. We've tried, like, every diet out there and the only one that actually worked was the Atkins diet. I lost about 15 lbs, but what happened was we had to go to Saint Louis for a family event, and everything was carbs and I had to eat something! I lost my will power then diets didn't work. I just wish my parents would've told me when I was younger about what could happen if I continued eating the way I did. My opinion, from a kids eye view, tell your kid about what happened with you and how the only reason you're telling her it is because you care. Do it in private though, or else it gets extremely embarrassing and she may start to cry. Make sure she understands that she's not going on a diet or anything, she just needs to watch what she eats. Also, something my mom used to do with me was take me shopping. We wouldn't spend anything, and if we did, it wasn't a lot. What we would do is instead of taking the escalator, use the stairs. We'd get a decently far parking spot. We would take paper and pens and go all around the mall to look for stuff we like. We'd write it down. Then, we'd take the list and rearrange it and we'd HAVE to go in order. So a week later, we'd be running around the mall debating what to get. It took a long while, but it was fun AND kept me away from computer, TV, video games, etc. Something else I'd recommend is Wii Fit.