Welcome to the ObesityHelp Sponsors Forum message board
Creating your own post - how to use emoticons
Emoticons associated with your post's title
One emoticon may be associated with your post's title. (We currently do not support embedding emoticons in post titles; the emoticon image you select to go with your post will appear to the left of the post's title.) To select an emoticon image to go with your post title, click the down-arrow marked Title Images to the left of the area where you will type your post. A menu of images should appear; click on one to make it the title image of your post. The image you have selected will appear outlined in red in the Title Images menu.
Emoticons inserted into your post
As many emoticons as you like may be inserted into the body of your post. To view the available emoticons which you may insert, click the down-arrow marked Message Emoticons to the left of the area where you type your post. You will see a list of textual representations of emoticons and their corresponding emoticon images. To insert an image into your post, type the corresponding text. For example, to include this image :-) in your post, you'd type :-), and to include this one :angel: you'd type :angel:.Click here to view a list of all members who have posted to this message board.