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just checking my ticker set-up does it display? will delete post once I check it out!

I see that you wrote your post in November. I hope you had your air pressure levels adjusted by now. Absolutely, with a weight loss of 75 lbs, your pressure needs will change (likely drop). If your machine doesn't monitor you each month adjust itself, please have a professional adjust it. It likely has an SD card in it (or some memory card of some sort). They can look at the readings for it and adjust it to what you need. Having too little pressure will have you waking up because you're not breathing. Having too much pressure can cause problems with the heart for example, especially if there are problems like congestive heart failure (not saying that's your case). Best of luck.
The snore guard does not help sleep apnea only snoring. Right? I have heard of snore guards but never sleep apnea guards.
If you have sleep apnea you probably snore somewhat...
The first appointment they just ask you questions. I was refered to a pulmonologist because my ABG showed it was lower than it should be. The surgeon wanted to know if it was sleep apnea or the extra weight that caused it. The pulmonologist recomended a at home sleep study. I picked up my equipment(they showed me how to uses it) and slept with it for 2 nights(at home) then returned it. My next step is meeting with the pulmonologist for results. They said i will only need a C-pap if i am in the moderate/severe range.
I've had Severe OSA for many years, now this year I am down 75lbs, (from 497 back in Jan 2015) and I had my DS surgery back in late November, but now I don't feel well rested. This is a sleepiness issue, not an energy issue. Feel the same as I did before I had my Bi-pap, almost as if the bi-pap is now working against me in the sleep department. Any one else have this? If so, did you have to get your settings adjusted? I've tried taking a nap without the bi-pap, and still feel like I can't fall asleep without it, but not sleeping well with it. Its been 4 weeks post op and I'm still not feeling rested. I have a apt for a new sleep study, but in the waiting mean time, any ideas? Ive tried lowering my pressures, and it seems to have helped some.
Any ideas?
on 12/9/15 12:11 pm
It depends on the clinic and program. My program requires everyone to at least have a home sleep test because over 70% of people with a BMI > 35 have sleep apnea.
Just wanted to know if anyone has sleep apnea, and had success with weight loss after the Gastic Sleeve sugery without the use of the cpap machine. I have tried numerous times to wear the machine, and I just feel like I'm suffocating, and just can't do it. Just wondering if this may be the reason why I'm not losing like I thought I would. Any help is appreciated.
They have a new device you can get surgically implanted in an outpatient procedure. It is not being done near me, but maybe it is around you. Here is the website.