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Topic: RE: Question about dryness etc.
Have you tried a full face mask that covers your mouth and nose?? I just finished my second sleep study last night and it was a little weird, but I do feel a little better today from getting some sleep. Hope you get this figured out and get to sleeping better

Topic: Question about dryness etc.
I have read the thread below about the dry mouth, etc., and I could use a little advice from others about my situation, as my doctor is not a lot of help in this area.
I have used CPAP for 2 1/2 years, and it has, for the most part, been a godsend. I did not know how much sleep I was losing before I started on it, and I took to it immediately because it made me feel so much better.
However, around the first part of April this year, I picked up some sort of respiratory virus that really had me down for most of April and May before I started to feel a little better, and the afteraffects have hung on ever since, although improving gradually. I had the worst cough, to the point that I would cough until I lost my lunch or bladder and felt like I was choking. The cough has improved, but still comes on occasionally.
Since I was sick, I have had a lot of problems with my sleep again. The main problem is that, where previously, I had a good seal and my mouth stayed closed while I was sleeping, I am now not able to keep the mouth shut all night, and I wake up tired, headachy, and with an extremely dry mouth and throat. I sometimes wake up feeling as if I'm choking with a lot of thick phlegm in my throat.
I have discussed this with my sleep doctor and my family doctor, without much help. I have been given Mucinex to make the phlegm thinner, and told I can use a chin strap. But it bugs me that I used the machine for so long without any problems and now they just want to throw something out there to deal with the symptoms instead of the underlying problem.
I have mentioned to the sleep guy that maybe after this long a time, my pressure needs to be adjusted, but that got shot down pretty quickly, as he says that is rarely needed. I still think that is my problem, but I don't know which way to go with the adjustment. I have had the machine checked out, and it is fine.
When my machine is working well, I can feel a good suction and it is hard to speak without removing the mask, but that is fine because everything stays closed up, and I wake up refreshed and with clear sinuses. Now, I have suction, but after I relax and go to slepp, the mouth opens and apparently, the air just comes in my nose and goes right out the mouth, drying it out. I have a humidifier, but it is no longer helping.
I would like to try to adjust the settings, as mentioned below, but I am curious as to which way to try it. To me, it seems that turning it down would decrease the suction even more, which might make things even worse. I don't know if turning it up will help either, but that actually seems to make more sense to me, to get more suction. I've already tried changing out the tubing and mask (Nasal Aire) and the mask is plenty big enough to close off the nostrils, so don't think it's that.
Any input will be appreciated.
Topic: RE: CPap bother sleeping partner
I worried about this too, but most of the time it's dark in my bedroom before I need to put the mask on. I have three kids, and they have pretty much taken it all in stride. I mostly worry about it when we have to stay someplace other than home, or when the kids have a friend over, but again, most of them think it's "interesting".
The machine is no louder than a fan, so that isn't much of a problem. It shouldn't keep your hubby awake, and in fact, he'll probably sleep better without all the snoring.
Good luck!
Topic: RE: pressure number
I have extremely severe apnea, just diagnoised thursday at 155 per hour and my machine starts at 5 and tops out at 20. Last night was my first full night sleeping with it and woke up to it saying 19.5. But I think something is wrong with my mask...air was just blowing out in like 3 spots on the tubing.
Topic: RE: Has anybody QUIT cpap yet?
When I started my C-pap I was set at 13 ... I go tonight for a new study but like you I have not used it in weeks.. I my self think 6 is high but what do I know LOL .... best of luck to you..
Shelly -105
Topic: RE: pressure number
Hi Sarah,
I woke up 60 times a minute
during my sleep study. My machine setting is only at an 8. I could not even imagine adjusting to a setting in the teen's. I had a hard enough time with mine. It did make a difference when I went to a full face mask from the nasal one though.

Topic: RE: three's a crowd
Hi Jolene,
When I had my sleep study done, it showed I woke up 60 times a minute. So basically I never slept. I got my CPAP in November and I had a really hard time adjusting to it. I would constantly take it off at night. My uncle used a full face mask and suggested that to me since I only used the one over my nose. The first night I used it was incredible. I could not believe how much a difference it made. I actually slept the whole night and the next day I felt wonderful. I am so grateful for it now. When I don't use it, I am always so tired the whole day. It would be great to not use it but I have finally come to the realization that in order to
I need it. My husband has been really great about it also. If I take it off during the night, he wakes me up so that I will put it back on.
Good luck.

Topic: RE: pressure number
4 is the lowest setting they start at, Then it ramps to your prescribed setting. My setting is 9cm which is the volume of air it takes to open your airways and supply enough oxygen to your heart so that your heart is not overworked pumping blood trying to supply oxygen to the brain and you can get a goodnights rest
and once this is achieve you reach REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and you should reach REM sleep at least 4 times a night.

Topic: Has anybody QUIT cpap yet?
I have decided I could probably quit c-pap. Since surgery I have been lowering my pressure and now I am down to 6. When I was down to 8 I went away for the weekend and didn't take "IT". Mostly, I had trouble falling asleep.
Has anybody quit theirs and where you 'addicted' to the face mask? Is a pressure of 6 still in need of c-pap?
Topic: RE: Switched to Nasal Aire and hate it!!
I have been using the nasal air for about two weeks now and am running at 9cm I found that if I first adjust the neck band then the bolo and then adjust the headband it makes for a very tight fit and I can have very good movement I have even unplugged the main tube form the CPAP and walk around to turn out lights and ge****er no problem however I feel like an alien when I'm doing that and my kid thinks it's funny....
AS for the noise I set my unit for a 20 min ramp which starts out a at 4cm and build up after 20mins I'm asleep and only notice when I wake up how loud the air is but it does not bother me when I'm sleeping I hope this helps good luck