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Topic: CPAP question
My CPAP has developed a nasty habit of throwing water at me, and it's getting really annoying. I'm up this morning (one of my few this summer to sleep in) before either of my kids, only due to rain on my cheeks. I'm using distilled water - though gotta admit, I have used tap water on occasion when I've run out - but that shouldn't affect anything, should it? The water doesn't go through the machine, so there can't be mineral buildup in there. Am I missing something in machine/hose/mask maintenance? Or is it a machine setting that must be taken care of by the company who brought it to me?
HELP! I really don't need to be watered - and I'm afraid I'll keep growing if this keeps happening!

Topic: RE: Sleep Lab tech here...
Thanks for the quick response. My sleep number is a range of 5-20.....lately when I wake up it's between 10 & 14. I think my mask is a select comfort?? Ironically last night was one of those horrible nights. Tonight I'm going to try to tighten the straps. It has this little forehead rest that supposed to be on my forehead..(duh) but it wasn't tight when I woke up. But when I first put it on to go to sleep it fits right. Oh and I do have the heat and humity, but it bothers me when it's too warm. right now I have it set to 1, I wanted to move up to 2 when I actually sleeping good......but that hasn't really happened yet.
Topic: RE: Strap Lines on face
I had a pt that came in with foam squares that she put up under the mask straps on her cheeks....
it worked for her but seemed awkward if you move around a lot...
Here is the mask we like a lot
Resmed Mirage Swift Nasal Pillows
At least it eliminates the forehead pc.
good luck
Topic: RE: Sleep Lab tech here...
wow...that is a lot!!
soo....what is your sleep #?!
Did they include HEAT and HUMIDITY to you CPAP??? That should help with dry nasal passages. BUT like anything all takes time. My co-workers tell people that it usually takes 2 weeks to get used to it...but I see you have been at it for 3.
A lot of people say they don't sleep during their study but they do...brain waves don't lie... at least I don't think they do! I had a guy the other night that I think might have slept a total of 1 hour in bits and pcs because the entire night during his titration he was moving, tugging at the mask, sitting up, and his brain waves appeared to be ALPHA which is wake....but when I asked him how he felt the next morning he said REFRESHED!!! NOT sure how he normally sleeps but geesh!!!
SO either I am a complete idiot..which remains to be argued fully!! OR he is totally crazy.
I would tell the doctor what is going on and your commitment to using the equipment etc...Which mask do you have? what size do you feel it is too big? too small? doesn't fit well etc...
Are you able to sleep on your stomach at all?? maybe your head sideways hanging off of the pillow so the mask doesn't scrunch too bad into your face?
MAYBE you could try the nasal prongs (we like the SWIFT) if your pressure isn't extremely high and that would be off the bridge of your nose and free up some space for your face to lay on your stomach more and you can switch which side the hose comes off of...
Please don't give up and let them find something that does work for you if indeed you are that severe.
Best Wishes and keep me posted.
Topic: RE: Sleep Lab tech here...
Wow thank you for being so forthcoming with information. I've been on my autopap machine for going on 3 weeks now. I was told by the tech that I have a severe case 155 times an hour I stop breathing. Both the tech and the home health guys repeatively said OMG your case is one of the worst I've ever seen...great thanks guys for making me feel so good. My question is can these studies be wrong? I know I have apena, but I don't think it's that bad. I felt like I didn't sleep at all during my study. I haven't met with my Sleep Dr yet (on the 25th). Since I've been on my machine, I feel more tired than without it. I feel I wake up more times to adjust where my mask is on my face, move the hose etc. I'm used to sleeping on my stomach, now all I can do is sleep on my side. Then all of a sudden I'll get air blowing in my eye. What can I do. I try to sleep with it all night, and most nights I do, but some times I just get so frustrated that I want to throw it across the room...........any advice for me? Oh and my nosal passage always seems to be stuffy. I use some nasal spray every night just to be able to breath via the mask.
Topic: RE: Has anybody QUIT cpap yet?
Mine is set on 9 and I'm pre-op, my dad's was 12 and since his WLS he's down to 7. I think I'd still use it until you were down to 2 or 3. You don't want to risk a lack of oxygen during the night because of the brain damage that can happen.
Topic: RE: Strap Lines on face
I get lines, but they go away after my morning shower. Try moisturizing your face, night and morning to see if that helps. Are you sleeping on your face? Maybe lie on your back to try and prevent that. You also might try a different mask type. Perhaps this one?
Topic: RE: Strap Lines on face
I get the lines but they're usually gone about a half hour after I wake up, shower, and apply lotion to my face. I kept loosening the straps so as not to get the lines, but, then, I get air leaks, which really annoy me. So, I have them just tight enough right now. Maybe someone else knows a strapline secret.
Candice R.
on 8/14/05 10:45 am - Redding, CA
on 8/14/05 10:45 am - Redding, CA
Topic: Strap Lines on face
This may seem silly, but the straps for the mask leaves marks on my face that last until the afternoon. Does anyone know what to do about those awful lines. Thanks, Candy