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Lia W.
on 4/20/06 10:51 am - Poplar Bluff, MO
Topic: RE: New Here, Sending my information pack and a check to Duke Tomorrow!
I'm not exactly sure what your saying so I hope my answer helps. As far as your insurance company counting it as a co-morbidity, I think as long as you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea by a doctor then it IS a co-morbitity PERIOD. Lia
on 4/20/06 10:00 am - Beautiful, WA
Topic: sleep apnea/c-pap advice... post lap-band sugery
I have been on nasal c-pap for many years due to severe sleep apnea. I have 2 questions: 1) Any idea how many lbs. one has to lose before it's necessary to have the setting lowered? 2) If the setting is too high for your current weight, can it cause air to be forced into the esophagus? Toots surgery 1-16-06 down 41 lbs
on 4/14/06 12:00 pm - PA
Topic: Sleep apnea help
I have a sleep apnea machine REMSTAR Plus.I applied for wls surgery and this is one of my co morbidities.I have had my machine and I use it every night.It helps me so much.My insurance wouldnt pay for it ,ask me to have another nsleep test i did.I have severe sleep apnea.All those doctors cant be wrong on the reading. Both test showed i have it ....i just didnt get the REM they wanted.How do I appeal this and has any one else been down this road.Will the insurance compaNy still count this as a morbidity if they wont pay for the machine .This has me so worked up.I'm scared to sleep with out my cpap machine.I have select Blue. Thank You for your help hugs Kay
on 4/6/06 8:29 am - TULSA, OK
Topic: RE: Hi there
Hi. The machines just take time to get use to them. Good luck with the surgery. Carol
on 4/3/06 8:19 pm - TULSA, OK
Topic: RE: Difference between bi-pap and c-pap???
Thanks for the question and the info. Greatly appreciated. Carol Spain
on 4/3/06 11:46 am
Topic: RE: MSLT ??
That is the test for Narcolepsy. But Narcolepsy is not just when you fall down asleep. I have it but have Severe Excessive Daytime Sleepiness. I also have the gene. I fell asleep within 2 minutes when they started the test. I think if you fall asleep before 5 minutes you have a problem.
on 4/2/06 12:01 pm - LANDING, NJ
Topic: RE: Couldn't sleep during sleep study for Sleep Apnea...
That's very interesting. I went in for my sleep apnea study this past Thursday. DH went in last Sunday and he was given a CPAP halfway through the night; for me, nothing, though I know I awakened several times gasping for air and I had several severe sleep paralysis episodes. In the morning I asked the tech and he said that I had some apnea but I didn't meet the "criteria" to be given the CPAP. However, he said that my blood oxygen levels were too low; they were in the 80s most of the night and never got above the low 90s, and he said that is a real problem. He also mentioned that there was a possibility after the techs read the test that I'll need to go back. I meet with the pulmonologist and cardiologist in three weeks and hopefully I will find out more then. I am glad that I took the advice of people here and scheduled my surgery for later in the summer; I think by the time they figure out what the heck is going on I'll have just enough time to use any equipment before surgery. Anne
~ Julie ~
on 4/1/06 3:11 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Topic: RE: Couldn't sleep during sleep study for Sleep Apnea...
I had also been scheduled for a split night sleep study when I went for the first time. I don't know how they expect you to sleep at all with all of those wires and stuff hanging off of you. Also, they make you sleep on your back because apparently that's where most people sleep "worst" which I can definitely attest is true. After the study was over at 5am, I got up and almost did a celebratory dance because the tech never put the CPAP on me, and I thought that it meant that either did not have sleep apnea or did not have it enough for the CPAP. When I asked him why I had not been put on the machine, he told me it was because I had shown "signs" of sleep apnea, but that he did not think it was bad enough for the CPAP. Wrong. A week later, as I was pestering the lab and my Dr.'s office for the results, I found out that I would have to return to the hospital for ANOTHER sleep study, this time with the CPAP. I was hoping that it would be the same technician, but it wasn't. I really wanted to give that guy a piece of my mind. Well, the first hour of the test, their fire alarm kept going off. This would have been bad if it were a NOISY fire alarm, but no, it was not so noisy as it was a STROBE light that went off for what seemed like FOREVER. I finally gave up on trying to sleep and grabbed a book to read off the nightstand. The tech came in and asked what was wrong, duh, how dumb do you have to be, can't you see the BRIGHT FLASHING LIGHT?? When that was finally over, I still had trouble sleeping due to the fact that I am not a back sleeper, I prefer my side or my stomach. Also, I did not like the CPAP, the pressure of air going in my nose was forcing my mouth open -- I could not help it. So the technician came in and gave me a chin strap. Fun. When I got up the next morning, I was NOT more refreshed than usual, I don't see how they could expect that to happen. I also found out that my machine was set on a 12 out of a possible 16 in pressure, which means the first tech was a complete moron. Now I am in the process of pestering the sleep lab again about my results, because I am having surgery in two weeks and my surgeon said he required that I be on the CPAP for those two weeks, but when I asked the nurse and explained there was no way for me to get the machine in time for me to be on it for two weeks, she said the ABSOLUTE minimum is 7 nights. I expect to have to do some major yelling over Monday and Tuesday.
on 3/24/06 11:24 am - TULSA, OK
Topic: HELP ME PLEASE.......
I am in need of bipap machine badly. My ins did not approve. I never asked anyone for anything before. Also needed masks etc, all things that go with it. Does anyone have one they are not using anymore or an extra. Please help me. I am so tired of feeling tired and cannot function. I would pay shipping. Please get back to me if you can help. Thank you very much. My tel is 918-230-0540. Email is [email protected] God bless.
on 3/24/06 7:22 am - TULSA, OK
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