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Topic: RE: Help with Sleep Apnea Doctor Recommendation in Maryland
If there are any sleep clinics in your area hospitals, they might be able to give you an idea which doctors specialize in sleep disorders as well. Also check with your insurance company to see if they have any lists of approved sleep disorder physicians.
Good luck!
Topic: RE: 6 years on CPAP. Is there any stop?
Have you gone back to the doctor that prescribed the CPAP? Maybe it can be adjusted some so it would be more comfortable, and maybe if you've lost a lot of weight it's use can be minimal. Again I would go back to my doctor that prescribed it.
Those Breath Right Nasal Strips can't be compared to a CPAP machine that is specifically pressurized for you and your condition. I have used the strips myself and they are not a substitute if you need a CPAP. I understand there are different machines out there that might be easier to use and more comfortable for you, explore those options. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can affect your heart, be careful and don't do anything without the docs input.
Good Luck,
Carolem in AZ
Topic: RE: CPAP...for what???
Lisa, there might be somehing your doctor isn't telling you. Sleep apnea can affect your heart, have you been cleared by the cardiac people? My cardiac tests showed the right side of my heart to be enlarged. Two things are probably causing this, one of course would be carrying too much weight and the heart is working harder than it's suppose to. The other is from sleep apnea. I can only talk about myself because there may be other reasons for them wanting you to get a CPAP. One of the things my surgeon here in Scottsdale, AZ requires is having her patients bring that CPAP to surgery so they can place it on you when they remove the breathing tube. It avoids any breathing problems you might have following surgery. Be glad they are being careful. My pulonary doc said losing weight will significantly reduce the sleep apnea problem. So down the way you may either not need it or at least it will be significantly adjusted making it more comfortable.
Carole M in AZ
Topic: CPAP...for what???
I have to say that I can't think about this without getting angry. Just found out I am getting a CPAP machine.
The pulmonologist made me go for the sleep study before he would clear me for surgery. The only "symptom" I have, which made him insist I do this, is snoring...I have seasonal allergies and lifelong sinus problems. Of course I snore! The only time I am tired during the day is if I deliberately stay up later than I should - or I have a high blood sugar episode. The only thing that will wake me in the night is a leg cramp - muscular - have also gotten these all my life.
I figured going in to it that they would find Something Wrong, as doctors seem to feel vindicated when they find something wrong with overweight patients. I swear they are always disappointed when they find my cholesterol levels are good and my blood pressure is always between pretty good and perfect!
I did not sleep normally during the study. How could I, hooked up like Frankenstein's monster? I was keen to every sound, every unfamiliar flash of light. I have to turn/move a lot till I'm sleeping, as I have sciatic pain. The first night's tech was so freaked about the possibility of me pulling out wires, that I was totally aware of it at every moment. The 2nd night, I only slept a little better because I had not slept the night before, had forced myself not to nap during the day, and was exhausted! And I had a calmer tech.
So...they tell me I have sleep apnea and the CPAP will help me feel better. My question is....feel better - HOW??? I'm not tired during the day. I don't wake up tired. I don't have trouble sleeping! So, better how?
I think this whole thing is just one more of modern medicine's money making gimicks! But I have to follow through with it and let them rip me off, so I can get my surgery! That really sucks!
Topic: RE: Dry Mouth
Thanks for your response, Loretta. That is exactly what my neurologist said. He ordered me the full-face mask. He also had me try on another full-face mask that covers part of the chin thereby keeping the *****losed for sure. I cannot wait for the mask to get here.
Topic: RE: Nasal aire problems
I picked up a homemade cloth on ebay that covers my tubing. It was called cheek something. Saves some of the marks on my face and will be warmer in the winter. If your interest just search ebay for CPAP cheek pads.
Topic: RE: Dry Mouth
When you sleep you mouth opens and the air coming in your nose blows out your mouth. I have to use a wide, split chin strap to keep my mouth shut. Hope this helps until you get another full face mask.
Topic: 6 years on CPAP. Is there any stop?
I have been on CPAP for about 6 years. I can't even fall asleep or take a catnap without my machines. I am reaching a point where I want to try to sleep (just naps) without CPAP. I am thinking about using th Breath Right Nasal Strip. Has anyone else had this problem?
Topic: RE: CPap related to my gas problem?
When I first started using my machine, I noticed I had a lot more gas, especially first thing in the morning, so it isn't just you. Fortunately for me, most of the time it is my esophagus and burping will take care of it pretty quickly.