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Robin F.
on 3/16/07 1:20 am - Lewistown, PA
Topic: RE: How many times did you stop breathing???
Sim, Thanks for the info, i am going to give that a try for sure. I'm still having problems with leaking masks. I've got 2 different full face masks and now they gave me the one that fits over the nose to try as well. I tried that one during my initial sleep study and could not stand it at all. You don't start off on your highest level all the time now do you? You just did that to adjust the tightness? It takes my breath away when my machine first turns on at 12, i hit that ramp button really quick to get it down to 4 but just that second or 2 at 12 really takes the breath away. I tried tightening my straps so much that it left marks on my face as well and i still had leaks. I was told that if you have it to tight, the mask's seal can't expand to fill in the areas around your face that it's designed to fill in to prevent leaks...but as you know too, if it's to loose, it leaks even's a no win situation in my book. I sleep slightly elevated too, i always use 2 pillows. But i turn over alot, back to side to stomach to side to back lol i make complete circles at night. They told me at the sleep center yesterday that there is a pillow made for "side and stomach" sleepers now. It's called the "Pap Pillow" just for CPAP users. They showed me one, it's kinda neat looking...i'm going to see if my home care people carry it yet. Might be worth checking into even if i have to pay for it. Well, best of luck to us both in our never ending endeavors with the cpap machines lol Take care! Robin
Sim W.
on 3/15/07 11:27 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Topic: RE: How many times did you stop breathing???
Hi Robin, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea in Jan/07 and I have a pressure of 14. I had 146 episodes when I went to the sleep clinic for an overnight study! I struggled with the CPAC machine for weeks and found that my mask leaked a lot too especially when the pressure would climb from 6 to 14 over 45 minutes as the machine has a ramp. After several weeks of frustration, I found what worked for me was to put the pressure at 14 right away and sit up in bed and then put the full mask on and adjust the straps. The mask is a little tight now and I wake up to lines on my mask but now most of the time the mask does not leak and I am able to sleep 5-6 hours a night! What a diference. I also placed 2-3 pillows underneath my head and slept elevated and that really helped too. Sim from Vancouver, BC Canada
on 3/13/07 2:46 pm - FL
Topic: Where to buy inexpensive replacement mask...
Hi everyone. Do any of you know where I could find a very inexpensive replacement mask for my CPAP? I haven't been using my machine much at all. The mask won't stay on my head. I called my DME & they said I couldn't get a new one until April unless I wanted to pay over 100.00 for it. I can't afford that much right now. Well, I had been on a site where you can discuss machines, masks, etc... with other CPAPers & several people had altered their mask to stay on their head using knee high pantyhose. As weird as that may sound, I figured I had nothing to lose and I really do want to comply with wearing the mask. So I did what the instructions said to do. It works better but it still isn't to a point where it is working for me. I gave up on trying to wear it. My bypass is on 3/20, Tuesday and my surgeon wants me to bring my machine. I told him I am not using it at home but I didn't tell him the whole mask altering story. I can't take a mask in with pantyhose on it for headgear and look like a fool if you know what I mean. Where can I buy a mask cheap or even a slightly used one that I could sanitize? It is basically as a just in case. If I bring the machine & not the mask would the hospital have a mask there I could use??? What do I do? Please help me if you can. Jenifer
on 3/13/07 11:47 am - Gaylord, MI
Topic: Sleep apnea ?
Okay I had my sleep study a week ago. They said it takes 3 weeks to get the results back. When I left the study the tech told me that she didn't know if I would need a c-pa*****t but if I did have sleep apnea it was very mild. This is my last step before wls and my patience is wearing thin LOL I so want to just atleast get a date... so my questions are: 1. Is it normal to take 3 weeks for your results to get back ? 2. If I only have "mild" sleep apnea would I still need a c-pap machine? I can't imagine that I even have it because I have no problem getting adequate sleep and I don't snore. Anyways...... 3. and my final question.... will I have to "use" my c-pap (hopefully won't need one) for a certain amount of time before they will let me have my surgery? Thank you so much in advance for you responses ! ~~Rona
on 3/7/07 2:21 am - Redfield, IA
Topic: First night with CPAP - It went great!
I was really nervous, as my night at the sleep clinic with the CPAP was awful. I hated the mask. But the pulmonologist technician had read my comments about how and where the mask bothered me, and had several for me to try on, including one she ordered just for me to try. I tossed and turned for quite a bit but then went in front of a mirror and really played around with changing all the different fitting options and got it comfortable on me. I then fell asleep within just a few minutes, woke up once(stupid dog) during the night and then woke up for the day 6 minutes before my alarm went off. The most amazing thing was that I was wide awake and ready to be up for the day. That NEVER happens, I always wake up grouchy and tired. I think I'm gonna love my CPAP!
on 3/5/07 1:09 am
Topic: RE: Need help i think i have sleep apnea.
I suggest that you call your local hospital to see if they can help you. I know in our labs we will take payments for the test. The issue you will run into is finding a provider to help you get your equipment. Talk to your physician. Your doc probably has access to the resources you need to get the problem taken care of. Dont give up. You can also contact the National Sleep Foundation I'm sure they can help you as well. E.Frost, RRT
Robin F.
on 3/4/07 12:37 pm - Lewistown, PA
Topic: RE: How many times did you stop breathing???
Hi everyone, I have been using my CPAP for only a week and a half now. I am having issues with the full face mask. It's ok at the low setting, but when it ramps up to my level of 12, it leaks..especially if i try to lay in any position except flat on my back which i hate! I only slept about an hour during my first sleep study, but they told me i stopped breathing 40-75 times in just that one hour. When i went back for my second study with the machine, i only slept 2 hours, started out with the nose mask, hated it, switched to the full mask. A week after my 2nd sleep study, i had my tonsils and uvula removed as they were both extremely enlarged and protruding deep into my airway. I had to wait 6 weeks to heal and then went back for a 3rd sleep study. This was a split study, i slept without the cpap the first half so they could get new readings, then with the mask the second half. I managed to sleep most of the night this time and my pressure readings went up instead of down from my first study. I guess if i had slept longer the first time, my readings would probably have been much higher than 12. My home care person is coming by tomorrow (monday) to bring a new type of mask for me to try. I sure hope they find one, as i really want this to work. Thanks for listening! I'm so glad i found this forum, i didn't even know it was here til today! Robin
on 3/4/07 11:40 am
Topic: Need help i think i have sleep apnea.
I think i have sleep apnea bad, i fall asleep at work,at the wheel, dinner,clubs, everywhere. I have gained about 30 lbs, short term memory loss, very cranky,depressed, hurt all the time and on top of it all i have no insurance and keep running in to dead ends when it comes to help, i can pay for very little but dont mind paying no matter how long it takes. I have been told over the years i scare people when i sleep, but i had no idea, until some ladies i was taking a class with overnite at girl scout function told me i have sleep apnea and they were very scared and worried i needed help, well it was bad then , but now that i fall a sleep every where i know its a problem. iam worring everybody around but ive tried to get help if anybody knows anything else i can do i would greatly appricate it I'AM AT WITS END AND SCARED I KNOW IT VERY BAD.
on 2/28/07 9:01 am - Hudson, WI
Topic: RE: This will be first nite on CPAP...
It seemed to go okay. I managed to leave it on for 7 hours!!! I did wake up a lot, but I didn't move around much. My hubby is out of town on business this week, so my kids have been taking turns sleeping with me, and my 6 y.o. girl slept with me last night and was all over the bed and me!!!!! I think I will sleep better tonight with my 4 y.o. girl who doesn't move much. LOL Here's to hoping for another successful night!
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