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Topic: RE: Travel with CPAP
just remember - they won't let you bring the water as carry-on! Didja hear about the woman with the sippy cup incedent?
You'll have to pack the water.
Topic: Head gear
One of the reasons that I hate the CPAP is that I have yet to find headgear that I can tolerate. I have a Respironics machine. The gear that came with it would be great - if only it would stay on my head! When I had my 2nd sleep study, the tech gave me 2 other gizmos to try. One stays on my head real well - but hurts my face - no matter how many ways I try to adjust the fit. The other one stays on pretty well - and isn't as claustrophobic as the others - but its got the nasal pillows. When I use it, it blows up my nose too hard, and I wake up feeling like someone shot flames up my nose.
What else is available?
Has anyone seen the thing that has the thing that fits in your mouth over your teeth. There's nothing on your head(its a freakout) Its really expensive - Has anyone tried it?
Topic: RE: Burning pain
I had the same symptoms. It started before I had the CPAP. It turned out to be sciatica. When I lay on my left side for too long it gets all numb and tingly. If it happens while I'm sleeping, I wake up with the exact type of pain you describe. Maybe you are staying in the same position fo too long, since you are sleeping more soundly?
Definetly check it out with the doc!
Topic: RE: Anybody here decide not to have Lap-Band after getting CPAP?
I hate my wretched CPAP! Thanks for the motivation to use it!
Topic: RE: Travel with CPAP
I've flown a few times, and bring the machine and humdifier as a carry on. The security checkers are familar with it as medical equipment, but they won't let you bring the distilled water aboard. I've just used bottled water, figuring it can't crust up my machine in one week! Have fun, Mary C
Topic: RE: Bye Bye C-pap machine
I'm ready to scheduule my repeat sleep study to stop the cpap. Way to go!!
Topic: RE: Anybody here decide not to have Lap-Band after getting CPAP?
My cpap didn't do anything to help me lose weight. However, getting good sleep sure helps lots of daily life activities.
Topic: RE: Burning pain
Wow, this is so incredible to hear someone else describe this. I really thought I was crazy or becoming a hypochodriac. I have that same burning pain in my right upper thigh area. I have it about 3 or 4 nights a week. I have severe sleep apnea and have been using a c-flex type machine for a little over a year but didn't experience this symptom until about 6 to 8 months ago. I didn't relate it to the cpap, I thought it was just another symptom of my increasing weight. Because of that I have never asked my doctor about it. Kind of like all those other things like foot pain, ankle pain and my red, hot face that are too embarassing to mention because you know the treatment will be to lose weight. If anyone does find out what causes this I would love to know. I have to tell you though, as bad as it sounds, I feel better already just knowing I'm not the only one who has it. Thanks for helping me not feel so crazy!
Topic: RE: Burning pain
Oh my go****hought I was crazy. This has happened to me a couple of times in the last month. I am a nurse so of course I assessed myself for DVT.(deep vein thrombosis). All negative. but the burning woke me from my sleep. And yes I was wearing my cpap. I have worn it for about 2 months.