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on 2/14/09 11:59 pm - OH
Topic: RE: New here
I've had severe migraines for years, starting when I was in my early 20s.  (I'm now 50.)  I was diagnosed as having sleep apnea when I was about 25, shortly after I finished graduate school.  At their most serious (going to grad school while helping to take care of an uncle who was dying of a brain tumor), I was taking four different meds AND having to periodically take a shot of Demerol which would put me to sleep for about 12 hours. 

I found that my migraines were caused, in large part, by food.  In my case, it was caffeine and foods containing nitrites (red wine, hard cheese, liver, and some others).  Of course, cutting out caffeine also helped my sleep apnea.  Anyway, after I finished grad school and changed my diet, my migraines cut back drastically.

Several months ago, I found that I was waking up with a migraine at least 3-4 mornings a week.  (Strangely enough, I never develop one during the day -- I always get them during the night.)  I was flummoxed as to why I was suddenly having an increase in my headaches, and then realized that I had resumed some of my former eating patterns.  For instance, my husband and I had developed a habit of sharing a glass of wine in the evening, and I really enjoy a good red wine.  So, again I've been concentrating on what I eat -- not for my weight, but for my headaches.  I have started drinking white wine, and don't eat chicken livers (which I love) or Swiss cheese (which I also love) in the evening.  My headaches have almost stopped altogether.

So, you might see if there's something else that's causing your headaches.  Good luck to you.
on 2/14/09 11:48 pm - OH
Topic: RE: HELP! Please chime if your sleep apnea took a while to resolve

I was first diagnosed with sleep apnea about 25 years ago, and had my VBG about 17 years ago.  I have found, over the years, that my sleep apnea has never gone away, but has gone into remission for a time.  But, then, I've never been able to lose much weight, and what I do lose always comes back.  And I've never been able to tolerate wearing either a CPAP or a BiPAP machine.  But I have found other things that have helped me along the way.

When I first had my surgery, after I lost about 40 pounds my sleep apnea subsided to where I didn't have apneic episodes.  But it didn't go totally away, according to sleep studies.  Now, who's to say what might have happened had I been able to lose more weight.

I've tried a number of different masks over the years, and different machines.  But I am so claustrophobic that I can't even tolerate wearing a seat belt when I drive.  During my last three sleep studies, I've had to be heavily sedated to even allow them to get me hooked up, which makes me question the validity of the testing.  I tend to go more on subjective evidence to know when I'm having more trouble.  I snore more, I feel less rested during the day, and have sleepy spells.  I used to sleep with my head elevated, with a foam wedge, but nowadays I find that what works best for me is to keep my neck straight, sleeping on my side with two pillows so that my head doesn't drop down below my shoulders.  I keep to a routine at bedtime, and have identified which foods negatively affect my sleep pattern.  And, of course, keep trying to lose weight.

on 2/14/09 11:35 pm - OH
I've seen a few pulmonary specialists over the 25 years that I've known I've had sleep apnea.  All of them have told me that it would be very dangerous for me to take any sleep aids.  I don't know if this is true or not, because I've taken a few things over the years, due to pain related to arthritis and various surgical procedures, and they didn't seem to have any negative effect on my sleep pattern.

When I had my VBG 17 years ago, I was told that I had to be entubated while I was still awake, due to my sleep apnea.  Now, that was really fun!    But I've had other surgery since, and was able to tolerate general anaesthesia just fine.

So, who's to say?
on 2/14/09 11:28 pm - OH
Topic: RE: how does one get used to a cpap?
You might try different kinds of masks, to see if you do better with one over another.  And you might ask your doctor if you could use BiPAP instead of CPAP, so that there isn't as much pressure in the exhalation phase.
on 2/13/09 12:53 pm - St. George, UT
on 2/13/09 12:53 pm - St. George, UT
Topic: I hate my CPAP but
I've worn it for 10 years and am grateful to have it.  If not, I would be dead.  Before the CPAP I felt like I was rising from the grave each morning.  I had terrible muscle pains in the sides of my chest from trying to breathe all night.  I had constant dreams of being hung or strangled.  And a couple of times I know that death had a hand on my shoulder just as I woke up gasping.

on 2/13/09 12:51 pm - St. George, UT
Topic: RE: Does anyone get nauceous since wearing the CPAP
Make sure that your humdifier is on (not too high).  Also see if you can burp in the morning.  You might just have air in your stomach.

on 2/13/09 12:49 pm - St. George, UT
Topic: RE: New to Board, but I dont need my CPAP anymore.....Yeah!!!
It is my fantasy to fall asleep like a real person. To be able to be spontaneous and camp or decide to stay in a hotel without having to say, "I can't.  I don't have my CPAP".

on 2/13/09 12:47 pm - St. George, UT
Topic: RE: Call me crazy but I am excited I got my cpap today!!!!!!!
I'll bet you wake up a lot more than that!  I am happy for you.

on 2/13/09 12:46 pm - St. George, UT
Topic: RE: sleep apnea and weight loss
Yes, there are studies that show a correlation between sleep apnea and slow/no weight loss.

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