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I have not had my surgery yet, but I sometimes wake up without the mask on and the machine off so I'm confident that it didn't just come off and turn itself off, but was actually me. I've noticed that it's usually the nights that I've gotten up half-asleep to use the bathroom or sometimes when I wake up without it on and the machine off I can vaguely remember getting up and eating something, though I can't remember what or if it actually happened or not. I hate it though, because I can feel all the sleep apnea symptoms when that happens, the shortness of breath, racing heart, headache and extreme exhaustion in the morning. My tip is to make move your CPAP machine. Sometimes I put a tray on the floor and put the machine on the tray so that it's hard to reach and in an inconvenient spot for me to finagle while I'm half asleep. It usually works for me since my body knows exactly where to reach for it next to the bed, I think when it's on the floor my half-asleep personality is too lazy to bother finding the damn button lol.
I always knew that i had OSA. I refused to believe it though. I went in for my sleep study early December of 2014. I had the machine home with me towards the end of December. That's the same time that I talked to my primary physician about weight loss surgery. So i don't think the amount of time you have the machine should make a difference about when your surgery will be. You will feel great after you get used to using the machine. I won't even nap without it. It has made such a huge difference in my energy level. One thing i learned is that the strap from the mask would dig into the back of my neck. I bought a couple pairs of super soft socks and cut a hole in the toes. I put the strap through the socks. It doesn't dig into my neck now and the velcro doesnt scratch me. Hope you enjoy your CPAP!
You might check and see if you can get a mask that goes over your nose instead of in it I use to have a mask with nose pillows I now have one that goes over my entire nose now and I love it!

Elia Maria Saenz
I, unfortunately, could not handle the CPAP, BI-PAP, nor mouth guard. For me, the problem with the mouth guard was that I felt like I was choking on my phlegm which as you can imagine was quite uncomfortable. If you do decide to try the mouth guard; be careful about where they decide to send you. My sleep doctor referred me to a dentist who wanted to charge me 4k when my own dentist was able to make it for a couple hundred dollars.
Going on 9 years out (RNY). I've had 2 heart attacks over the last 15 years. All my blood work is good...Just saw the cardiologist today. I've gone in for a sleep study with another doctor. I have mild sleep apnea. I have tried the CPAP...I can't wear it. It feels like I am choking. Tried and tried. Even just the nose ones. With the nose ones it feels like I have a cold. I'm in fair shape; 215 pounds, rode my bike 5 miles today...I turn 60 in 40 days exactly. Good blood pressure and pulse.
Anyways...The doctor will try the mouth piece. Am waiting for the referral out to the dentist. Has anyone used the mouth piece...Thoughts?? Good and bad, I'd like to hear from you...Thanks, Brian
on 6/28/15 2:33 pm
put it on while watching t v or sitting to get use to it ,i understand what your saying
I had the home sleep apnea test! I had to have it done twice as they for some reason did not get enough information the first time and, therefore, was unable to read it. The second time they were able to get enough information in order to read it. I personally feel it is a better choice to have the home study. I've had it at their facility in the past. One is never as comfortable as when you are in your own bed and at home you will not have anyone coming in to fiddle with anything. Unfortunately, I am unable to manage the CPAP machine and am trying to find a way to get Provent covered by Medicaid and Medicare. Good Luck!
I see you posted in May so it might not be an issue for you anymore but in case it is, I will respond. I had difficulty with the CPAP & BIPAP machines for my sleep apnea. I was unable to manage wearing the mask as I found it too difficult to keep on. It felt too tight and they said it could not be loosened or it would not work properly; it brought me to tears and had to yank it off. Also one time when I did manage to keep it on every hour it would cause me to wake up and therefore never got any real sleep. I also tried the mouthguard but, unfortunately, was unable to wear it as it caused me to gag on my own phlegm. I can, however, suggest an exercise to help you relax and sleep. One of my doctor recommended this exercise and it does help to fall and stay asleep. Sit in a comfortable position fold your hands down like in prayer, straighten up the fingers next to the thumbs but keep them apart. Focus on those fingers while keeping them apart. After a couple of minutes imagine (with eyes open) that you are in a peaceful place while continuing to look at your two fingers and still trying to keep them apart. As you keep focusing you will find it more and more difficult to keep your fingers apart and when they finally get very close slowly bring yourself back. It is a totally amazing experience. I personally find mindfulness to make me more tense and UNTIL my doctor showed me this one and it really does make a difference for me.
If you ask for exhale pressure to be lowered then it will help with the claustrophobia feeling! It helped me! I still have a hard time wearing it, but I keep trying! Good Luck!